I Spank My Child So...


New member
A guy I work with brought in this bumper sticker the other day. It says:

"I Spank My Child So He Doesn't Grow Up And Shoot Yours!"

It's caused a consider amount 'down time' as both co-workers and clients have discussed the pros and cons of corporal punishment, child rearing and society at large. As a result, the copy machine has gotten quite a workout.
I'd like to take it one step further. If you agree, fine. If not, complete the sentence: I Spank My Child So...

BTW, I've got possession of the bumper sticker.... ;)

...save the 2nd. No fate but what we make...


New member
I don't have to tan their hides any more.Youngest is 13. Pushups and setups are working very well.

Ed Brunner

New member
I dont believe in corporal punishment for children. If you arent smart enough to outthink a child you shouldnt have children.

Better days to be,



New member
Ed Brunner - that's one of the best responses to this topic I have ever seen, and how true it is.

The sad thing is, most parents themselves have a child-like mentality...


GOA, TSRA, LEAA, NRA, SAF and I vote!


New member
I spank my child so they learn respect of authority... or something like that.

Really though, we're (wife & I) are raising our grandson. Spanking doesn't enter into the picture, never had to. Yeah, I'm bragging him up, but he's not the kind of person where that's necessary. In fact the harshest punishment, is giving him a stern look, whenever he steps to the precipice. Always works!

I, as a child was raised by the adage, "spare the rod, spoil the child". I survived that KNOWING when to back off, before the rope limit was reached. I have the knots to prove it! Was I mis-treated? I say no.

And so, a different generations way of thinking, and dealing with problems. Of course, that leads us to another topic, leniency in our society as possible cause for what appears to be a nearly total lack of self discipline, and responsibility at nearly all levels of society. We don't(can't) discipline children as our forefathers, and we have levels of crime that are exiting our atmosphere.

Anybody see any connection to those two factors?

Best Regards,

I'd rather have a bottle in front of me than a frontal lobotomy.

[This message has been edited by Donny (edited January 14, 2000).]

Jack 99

New member
I think its appropriate. My 2 yr old needs a swat sometimes (he's obstinate, just like his mother). Time outs and warnings only go so far and a swat is the only way to get his attention.

If you overdo it though it becomes meaningless.


New member
As a teacher I really love that bumper sticker. Do you really have to spank a child? Depends on the child. Some children can be reasoned with, some can't. And it is the parent's resonsibility to discipline their kids. As long as it works, I don't think I should be telling parents what to do...


New member
I spank my child when he needs it.

He gets an explanation, the reasons why what ever it is needs to be done, and a polite request.

If still refuses the following is the timeline of events.

1. He gets a warning.

2. He gets time-out.

3. He gets a spanking.

Three strikes he's out.

As to the comment -

"If you can't out think your child, then you don't deserve to have one"

What planet did you say you came from?

Paul B.

New member
I raised 4 children, and yes, I spanked when it was necessary. Nowadays, a kid can call the cops if you swat them on the bottom, and you get a record for child abuse.
My parents spanked me when I was young and needed it. I came out all right. No trauma whatsoever.
Seems like when spanking was allowed, kids grew up to be good citizens for the most part. Now you look at your kid cross-eyed, and you are the one in trouble.
Another related problem comes from parents. Johnny does something wrong, it is always someone elses fault. They made johnny do it. Sound familiar? People today cannot take responsibility for their actions.
I always liked the saying from that TV show Barreta. "Don't do the crime if you can't do the time."
I am all for the return of corporal punishment. Not child beating, but a good swat on the fanny never did any serious harm.
It worked on me, and my kids don't get into trouble now that they're grown.
Paul B.


New member
Have to tell ya, I got a spanking every day of my life until I was 12. One day my mother went to spank me with a wooden spoon. As she reached up with the spoon I reached down and held her arm from striking me. (Yes by that time I was a good foot taller than her) I told her that I would not allow her to hit me again. She could not move her arm.

She calmed down quite quickly and told me "well then fine.... you can cook your own dam meals". Well that was about the same time I became a good kid. Never did anything after that to piss my mother off. After all she was the best cook I ever knew.

Moral of the story is... each kid is different. Different punishments or methods work for different kids. Spanking never made a bit of difference to me, but cutting my food source off did. The main thing is that a child gets the proper amount of praise when they do something good along with proper punishment for wrongdoing so as to instill a good since of values into their small brains.


The debate is not about guns,
but rather who has the ultimate power to rule,
the People or Government.

George Dickel

New member
Ed, CMOS, why do you have to insult people who have different views than yours? What are your qualifications that make you so much nore enlightened than the rest of us? Sounds just like the antis when they talk about gun owners. They insult when they can't come up with intelligent responses. Maybe when you become a little more mature you will be able to converse in a civil manner.


People who spank their child do so because their venting anger and frustration rather than "discipline". Ed, your original comment was spot on.

My father used to beat me with a belt 7 times a week from age 2-14. At 14 I had become fed up with the beatings, whether it was a slap to the face or being hit with 2X4's, so I kicked his ass. Never in my life had I felt as good as I did that day. My father was incredibly embarrased walking around town with two black eyes, and having to explain to the dentist who knocked out his front teeth.

Because of his beatings, I was incredibly angry and violent at school. I would get into a fight at least once a week and was kicked out of 7 different schools in all. Violence, ultimately was how I learned to solve my problems. It wasn't until I got my own ass kicked and was sent to jail that I was finally able to gain some self control and insight. Now, at 22 I wouldn't hit my own dog let alone a child.

either two things will happen if you beat your child :

1. like me they will resist, become rebellious, and eventually end up in jail. Not to mention at some point kick your ass (hopefully).

2. They will learn to accept this cruelty as normal, never learn how to resolve problems like a rational human being, and will eventually explode all their pent up emotions onto some hapless victim(s).

Commanding respect, whether its from your child or anyone else, is not accomplished through violence. They will fear you, but not respect you.


New member
Some say that spanking a child sends the message that violence is the way to solve problems. It actually sends the message that there are consequences of your actions, and sometime they are unpleasant. Therefore, obey your parents so they can teach you the way to grow up and be a good citizen and an asset to your country. I stand on the Authority that is above all.
Proverbs 22:15  ¶Foolishness is bound in the heart of a child; but the rod of correction shall drive it far from him.
Exodus 20:12  ¶Honour thy father and thy mother: that thy days may be long upon the land which the LORD thy God giveth thee.
Proverbs 13:24  ¶He that spareth his rod hateth his son: but he that loveth him chasteneth him betimes.
God has spoken! Jerry


New member
The most important thing for my kid to know is what he did wrong and what is the right thing to do next time. Spanking is only a means to an end. And yes, I do spank my child, but only as a last resort.

Rob Pincus

New member
My 2 cents:

I hank swatted my daughter, most often on the hand, to let her know that something was pretty bad. Once was when she would absolutely not (under any attempt of coercion or distraction) stop touching something (I forget what it was, I think it was the TV on/off button or something like that...). A couple other times on the butt. Now, as a 4 year old, she understands the threat of a "spanking" and it seems to be enough to get her to re-think her behavior.

With older kids (I have 2 step kids, 14 and 12) I tend to agree with Ed's philosophy about out thinking them. If your 10 year old+ kid has access to nintendo (etc), the internet, TV, Radio, time out of the house ('sides school) or any other thing in their life that they consider fun and/or a privelege then you shouldn't have to spank them. That is my opinion. Of course, it is easier to swat a child than to physically remove all their TV and Stereo equipment from their room (yes, I've done it) for a few days, but sometimes it is hard to raise kids. ;).
someone compared kids to criminals.. well, in only the most extreme cases do we use any form of corporal punishment on criminals, most of the time we just take away their priveleges (like freedom, driver's liscences, etc..) and give them a chance to not screw up next time and maybe earn their privileges back after a time. I think that approach sets a better example with older kids than just smacking them. It teaches them that the good things in life have to earned, they are not just automatic. My 14 year old would much rather get smacked once or twice than loose his electronic games for a week, believe me.
Would your kids rather get a smack on the butt or have to miss the next Pokey-Man trading festival or basketball game or (god forbid) Range Session ??

Just my opinion....



New member
I feel that not only is it dependent on the mentality of the child whether a spanking would be benificial in the long run or not (as Gino and bookie) pointed out but also if the parent were abusive or not as in McGee's case.

Certainly, spanking for no other reason than to abuse will (in my opinion) send the child toward the wrong direction. But..spanking to keep an unruly child in line when rules are broken would help. (e.g., I think spanking a child for punching a sibling is OK. Spanking because the child accidentally knocks a glass onto the floor breaking it it NOT OK.)

I was spanked as a kid when I did wrong things but with only 1-3 swats with an open hand on the butt. I feel that it did help me stay in line. I thank my parents for the punishment as I probably deserved it and it did set me in the right direction.

- Ron V.


Rob Pincus

New member
My 2 cents:

I hank swatted my daughter, most often on the hand, to let her know that something was pretty bad. Once was when she would absolutely not (under any attempt of coercion or distraction) stop touching something (I forget what it was, I think it was the TV on/off button or something like that...). A couple other times on the butt. Now, as a 4 year old, she understands the threat of a "spanking" and it seems to be enough to get her to re-think her behavior.

With older kids (I have 2 step kids, 14 and 12) I tend to agree with Ed's philosophy about out thinking them. If your 10 year old+ kid has access to nintendo (etc), the internet, TV, Radio, time out of the house ('sides school) or any other thing in their life that they consider fun and/or a privelege then you shouldn't have to spank them. That is my opinion. Of course, it is easier to swat a child than to physically remove all their TV and Stereo equipment from their room (yes, I've done it) for a few days, but sometimes it is hard to raise kids. ;).
someone compared kids to criminals.. well, in only the most extreme cases do we use any form of corporal punishment on criminals, most of the time we just take away their priveleges (like freedom, driver's liscences, etc..) and give them a chance to not screw up next time and maybe earn their privileges back after a time. I think that approach sets a better example with older kids than just smacking them. It teaches them that the good things in life have to earned, they are not just automatic. My 14 year old would much rather get smacked once or twice than loose his electronic games for a week, believe me.
Would your kids rather get a smack on the butt or have to miss the next Pokey-Man trading festival or basketball game or (god forbid) Range Session ??

Just my opinion....

(BTW- Those of us who do, however rarely, hit our kids, should take heed of the current trend of using the Lautenberg Law to take away our gun rights (see the "War on Guns" thread) I swore out a warrant on a man yesterday for hitting his kid several times because the 13 year old boy didn't tell him about his basketball practice. The boy had a bruise on his shoulder and his cheek two days after the incident. The father admitted to hitting him with his backhand while they were both in the front seat of his vehicle. As a consequence of his "discipline" he stands a good chance of losing his 2nd Amend Rights... If you have a response to this part, please take it to the "War on Guns" Thread.)
