I see the light of the dark

I've joined the dark side. I got a Glock 19 today. Haven't taken it to the range yet, but if I don't remedy that before the day's over, I'll do it tomorrow. Now I've got to survive the wait for my Crossbreed Supertuck. Three more weeks of carrying my PT111.


Congrats. A great little gun....but:



New member
I don't get the dark side comment, it's not like you were a 1911 purist before you bought it.

I think you just decided to change flavors.
Yeah, I suppose I started on the dark side and just made it official with the Glock. Mostly, I just liked the play on words for the thread title. I'm one of those weirdos who actually like the look of the Glocks.


New member
Then I am on the weirdo wagon becasue I think the glock G19 is a nice looking gun.Congrats and enjoy your few houndred thousand rounds throught it.;)


New member
Glocks are like the eggs,bacon and toast of the 9mm world.

And I eat eggs,bacon and toast everyday.

Enjoy your breakfast....uh...I mean new Glock. :)

Like a good breakfast,that Glock should never let you down.


New member
I'll chime in; this is a forum, right? G19//23/32: good price point, practical, easy to clean, not heavy, comfortable to carry, zillions of holsters. What's not to like? :)