I put a hole in my night stand!


New member
My custom night stand detail.

I started this project a few weeks ago and finally have it finished. I found some replacement foam from a pelican case online, so I ordered the size that needed the least amount of trimming. I also wanted it lockable, so I searched for some universal cabinet hardware that closely matched the handles my furniture came with. I ended up finding the perfect match at Rockler. ( I also had to install one for my wife since they didn't "match" anymore ):rolleyes:

Anyhow, I'm happy with it. And I didn't get any tear-out from the cheap paddle-bit I bought. I haven't used the pick n' pluck foam yet, just the 1" foam, because I still can't decide what all will be living in there. :cool: Here's some pics...

Before: sorry, bad pic quality

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New member
I was thinking of a ND hole,:D

Now you need to rig it with a secret button (elec) to push when you want it NOW. "ITS MY GUN AND I WANT IT NOW" (JG gunsworth)


New member
I, like others, was expecting a ND. Nice work; looks quite professional. If you're like me, though, it rests on the top when you're asleep, i.e. no kids to worry about.

Uncle Ben

New member
I'd also like to know...what's your preference at night? Do you leave it unlocked as long as you are home, or keep the key nearby?
Gbro that was F'in funny. that commercial was on when I read your post and i almost fell out of my chair laughing.

Nice cabinet I may have to steel some ideas if i ever get a nightstand.



New member
Uncle Ben, so far I have been unlocking it every time I come home, and vice-versa. Because thats where I usually keep my keys, wallet, etc., and its been working out well. There is a plan in place in case my wife or I do not have the key and it is locked. But that, I can't share. :( :D

I didn't mention, but I think it may be worth noting to those wishing to do this; I did add some reinforcement behind the apron board, where the lock-cam connects, with a steel plate from lowes. You can't see it in the pics, but its there.