I paid $100 for it. How did I do?


New member
I paid $100 for it. How did I do? UPDATE on pg 2

Okay, I paid $100 for one of these 22lr pistol.
This one is not mine but mine is identical.
No rust and only minor stains in few spots.
No box/paper and only one magazine.
Are these pistols atleast as good as old Jenning pistols?
How did I do?

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New member

I think Sterling has a little bit BETTER reputation than Jennings, if I remember right.
If it shoots well enough and you like it, you did fine.
Even the Jennings, Bryco, and Ravens are getting hard to find for less than that around here.


New member
I don't know about 100, that sounds like high retail. But if you like it that's what is important.

Let us know how it shoots.


New member
That's a little more than I paid for one brand new in about 1978 or so. It had a nasty trigger but it fed 22LR ok.


New member
I have found this gun listed for as much as $250 currently. Why I have no idea!! :confused:

For 100 bucks I doubt you can really go wrong. Like others have said, if you like it, it is worth it. Let us know how it does!


Bill DeShivs

New member
The Sterling was a US made copy of the Italian Rino Galesi.
Quality control was spotty, but if the gun works you got a great deal.


New member
These were good little pocket guns in their day. I have a .25 NIB and a .22 Used. I think the 22 refers to the trigger pull because it is awfully heavy.

Bill DeShivs

New member
Apparently, you have never seen a Raven or Jennings!
Other people have needs for tiny guns. Because it's small does not mean it is cheap.


New member
I had one

It used to have a problem getting all 7 shots out from time to time. Tweaking the magazine helped with that. It was my back-up gun when I was working. When I became a prosecutor, I sold it to get some money after I ran out when I got a car.

A little before I got it, Guns & Ammo magazine had an article about 100 yard snub guns. I tried my Sterling at 100 yards and was actually hitting where it would make somebody really nervous or really wounded at 100 yards. I was never comfortable with not having one in the chamber and definately not comfortable with having one IN the chamber. :eek:

However, it was a well put together gun as opposed to some of the cheaper stuff out there.

The Doc is out now. :cool:


New member
Stainless? Is the frame stainless too? If so it may be worth holding on to, especially if it functions. I get rid of aluminum and zinc guns immediately, sell them for next to nothing, get 'em out of my sight! :barf:

44 Deerslayer

New member
I had one a number of years back. The major problem with mine was the striker didn't always have enough power to fire the round. I solved the problem by finding a stronger spring that would still fit. I got the spring at a hardware store.

John D

New member
Save your $$$ and buy a Beretta 21 if you need one of these little pistols - at least it's reliable and well made.


New member
The best of the small .25 ACPs I have found is the Beretta Jetfire, 950, 950B, and 950BS. I have several and they are all reliable shooters.


New member
"I don't know what use I would have for such a tiny cheap gun."

I must have missed the part where he asked you if you wanted to buy it from him. :rolleyes:


New member
I think that's what I paid for a blued one back in the late '70's. It wasn't a bad little gun; I just came to expect the occasional jam, the occasional failure to feed, the occasional failure to eject, the occasional failure to fire, and the occasional failure to hit anything with it. Other than that, it wasn't that bad.

Shadi Khalil

New member
come on people, its a hundred bucks, bif F'in deal. I ahve never, ever in my life seen a 100 dollar gun, ever! that thing doesnt look that bad. If it works, whats the big deal? One hundred dollars could be blown on all kinds of stupid stuff, atleast he got something he can have some fun with and maybe even save his life!


New member
Save your $$$ and buy a Beretta 21 if you need one of these little pistols - at least it's reliable and well made
I own one of those small Beretas
Reliable and well made are two terms I would never apply to it

But it's a Beretta it Italian and cost more so it must be better