I owe an Apology to a few TFL members.


New member
Recently I've been hit by a few PM's wanting help finding places here in Colorado to shoot prairie dogs. I made a couple of promises to help that I didn't keep. Not to make any excuses but it has been a very busy summer for me between my job and my Army Reserve commitments and I've let a few things slip through the cracks that I should not have. I'll try and do better for my fellow forum members in the future, and for those members that I've let down I am truly sorry for failing you.


New member
As much of a hard time as we Active Duty guys give the Reserves and NG, I can't imagine trying to juggle a job AND service at the same time.

This has been the shortest summer on record...probably due to global warming or something :p Everytime something would come up, I kept saying "oh, yeah, no problem" and now I am scrambling to do all those summer things I promised....

But I guess having 4 kids that all actually want to do things with me is a good thing that will probably pass all too soon.