I open carried today


New member
And no one noticed. :cool:

I must have been distracted this morning. I distinctly remember checking the chamber and safety on my carry piece, and placing it inside my waist band like I always do. But I obviously tucked my shirt tail in behind the gun instead of over it like I usually do.

Had breakfast with my wife, who would have said something if she had noticed, went to work, stood and talked to several people, including the boss, who would have definitely said something if anyone had noticed, went to lunch in a restaurant, took off my jacket, sat down, and ordered.

After the waitress left, I finally noticed my faux pas. I just pulled out my shirt tail to cover it, and quietly went to the men's room to fix it.

Ooops! :eek:


New member
Yep - it's either that they don't notice, or they just don't care. The few times that I've carried openly out of necessity, no one has ever said a word. Of course, they probably see a middle-aged clean-cut white dude and just think "off-duty cop" anyway.


New member
Don't know if this sounds weird, but anyway... I live in an open carry state but don't open carry. (Don't think my clients would approve ) Anyway... I often see other people open carrying and next thing I know, I'm at the range the next weekend with them, their wife, their friends etc. I don't have any shooting buddies really, one other dude that jumps in the car and occasionally comes out.

I can't do it but I appreciate when others do.(assuming they are responsible, safe folks)

I'm glad your experience went well... oops! Try it again, you actually meet some pretty cool people.


New member
VT is the original constitutional carry state, no concealed carry permit needed. Maybe that's why you don't see anyone carrying openly.
Maine is an open carry state but in the 12 years I've lived here I've only seen one person doing it.


New member
May not be PC here, but I just don't get the whole Open Carry point. Is it to make a political statement, to warn-off potential attackers, assure others around that they are safe with you around?
I really like the idea that Concealed Carry allows one to maintain the element of surprise or to act with discretion. It allows me to decide when and how (or if!) to react to a threat situation in my immediate vicinity.


New member
Open carry is something I never feel upset or even question about unless I see a group of nimrods openly being irresponsible or dangerous. I feel great that THE MAJORITY of people here are not concerned when they see someone male or female regardless of age sex or color walk into a restaurant and have a burger or beer or whatever!

Long story short, open carry here is not about who has the biggest balls, the most powerful weapon, or more rounds in their mag. (Just an example )

Its something people are used to, grew up around or simply just doesnt bother them.

I'm sorry, I think we got a little off topic. I apologize to staff and mods, and anyone else that may think I started a war. Not trying to.

Topic at hand, anyone else open carry today? Weird looks, good conversations, perhaps nothing at all? Carry on!


New member
Georgia is an open carry state if you have your carry permit, which is something that can be obtained easily for $80 and in 1 week.

Even though its legal, it isn't something you see very often.

I plan to concealed carry when i eventually apply for my permit.


New member
What's wrong with open carry? It deters crime against you, the establishments you visit, and people around you. I OC when it makes me comfortable and I chat up others that do too. Usually the most pleasant, polite conversations I have all day.
I want Chicago to resemble the same area in the OP: where people are used to seeing OC. I find this very exciting.
Illinois is going to get carry in a few months. Since the cops don't have much experience with law-abiding people carrying guns; I imagine the transition will not be seamless. There are going to be cops demanding ID, demanding that OC'ers submit to a Terry pat-down, all without explaining why. After the law is passed and we can familiarize ourselves with it; do any of you feel you have a civic duty to gage the reaction of law enforcement? If utube is any indication, there will be cops out there trying to discourage OC through intimidation or nefarious actions, especially in downtown Chicago.

The process of going from 'any gun anywhere in Chicago is not tolerated' to 'citizens OC'ing on the sidewalk downtown won't be hassled by police' is going to be embarrassing for the citizens and for that it should be expensive for the city. We should organize a OC parade or something right off the bat.
We can start at my apartment.


New member
VT is the original constitutional carry state, no concealed carry permit needed. Maybe that's why you don't see anyone carrying openly.
Maine is an open carry state but in the 12 years I've lived here I've only seen one person doing it.

About the only time I carry openly any more is from September 1st to May 20th or so...

That would be Bear/Deer/Small-Game/Fish-Shooting Seasons back to back...

The rest of the year I generally put something in my pocket...



New member
AZ was open carry and of course had concealed carry with a permit. But Gov. Brewer, Jan to her friends :D, signed the latest CC bill into law we joined Vermont in that you can CC without a special permit.

All I am going to say about states that restrict you to open carry is that they are just making a target out of their citizens who only want to legally protect themselves and their loved ones.

Milwaukee man robbed while open carrying.

Man robbed while open carrying in VA.

And this guy was robbed with his own gun while open carrying.


New member
I respect anyones right to open carry if that is what your state allows,personally I will not do it.If I ever have to defend myself then I want surprize on my side,I dont want someone to see my gun before I can even reach for it. Just my opinion.

Spats McGee

OC might be right for some, but not me. I don't have any philosophical objection to it, but I don't want to be the first target (because I'm the one with the gun), and I want the element of surprise.


New member
I agree with Conceal carry


someone else made in interesting post a couple of weeks ago.
They were tired of hiding their beliefs in their waistband.

I posted here as well that over time we have hidden our guns, speak only to those we know agree with us and even then in low tones so as not to offend others in public or at work.

Keeping this all in our pants for so many years has deceived those on the fence. When they hear the media saying we are the small minority, it sure does look that way.

I am not suggesting we start open carrying tomorrow. I prefer cc as well. But our actions means we are in some ways being our own worst enemy.


New member
So, you are saying the OC is a political statement?
It's not one I want to make at the risk of losing any tactical advantage I might have. I'm not the one planning any criminal activity, and I don't want to figure into anyone else's nefarious plan.


New member
ohio is an open carry state, ive never seen anyone do it though, from what i understand they arrest you for inducing panic and then drop the charges at a later date mainly because they figure you wont sue them as there is no money to be gained, kinda crappy