I need your help!


New member
I know this is a long post, but I'd appreciate it if you bear with me :)

A friend of mine is selling his small collection of firearms. A Taurus .357 6" revolver, a SIG P220 and an Argentine FN FAL para (the model with the collapsable stock).

I would love to buy both the Sig and the FAL, but right now I can barely afford one of the two. He would sell both to me for a good and similar price. But I can't decide what to buy. I really don't know what to do, so I'll just tell you what I know and you help me decide:D

The Sig looks a little worn (which I don't mind, it adds to the character for me) but is internally in excellent condition. He has only one magazine for it though and I think that's a "ProMag" or "National Magazine". And I have seen the gun malfunction at the range, but I suspect/hope it's due to the crappy magazine. Sig mags are expensive though, almost 50,-€ so I'd have to add about 100,-€ to the price he's asking (400,-€). I would get a nice shoulder holster with the gun too. He had it handmade in Afghanistan when he was over there with the Army (he and 9 other guys, this country really is small:D). .45 ACP is not exactly cheap, but I can (re)load my own ammo for the Sig, so that's not a big problem.

The FAL is in excellent condition too and of course totally reliable. Magazines are all over the place and very cheap (about 12,-€). Today I asked somebody at my range about the availability of surplus 7.62 NATO (you guys on this forum had me scared about that) but apperantly there is and will be plenty of it around, mostly from South-Africa and Portugal. I have reloading equipment, but not the right dies for 7.62 (,yet). I would get the rifle, as well as his rifle safe (I only have a small one for my pistols) for 500,-€, perhaps even 400,-€.

Here's what I already have, if that helps : Glock 17, FN/Browning HP, S&W 66/19/60/17 and Sig Mosquito.

You see I have a few handguns already, the only thing that's missing is a DA pistol and a .45 ACP pistol. The Sig would perfectly combine both of course :D And I've always wanted to own a real SIG (not including that Mosquito thing). I just love their centerfire pistols. New they cost over 1000,-€ , so this really is a good deal and a rare chance to get one.

But I also have no rifle yet, which really annoys me. I like both handguns and rifles equally (perhaps handguns a little more), but I found so many good deals on pistols and revolvers that I haven't had a chance to buy a rifle so far. And the ammo is expensive. I'm also a little afraid that in the future I might not be able to buy something like a FAL (or any military rifle) anymore. This is unlikely, our laws haven't changed (to the worse) so far, but still, I want one as soon as possible. And IMO, the FAL is the perfect all around rifle, I could do almost everything with it.

I just can't make up my mind: one day I want the Sig, the next day the FAL. The day after that a few cases of 9mm :D I can't decide what to do...So you need to help me and tell me what I should buy. Any input would be much appreciated. And sorry for the long post, I'm not only unable to decide, but also bored right now :eek:


Personal opinion

I'd opt for the FN FAL 1st, and then the SIG. Had to beat quality. Forget about any more buys for a year or so to get used to what you have and what you like and why. Then go shopping again. IMHO.


New member

I agree,go for the FAL.It's a great deal and im pretty sure if you pass it up
you'll hate yourself later.

P5 Guy

New member
I'd take the rifle, you have a boat load of handguns already.
But I'm happier shooting rifles than handguns.

B. Lahey

New member
So that's where all the SA and Portuguese surplus went. Dang Europeans hogging the ammo.:)

Considering all the factors you mentioned, I would get the FAL. Everyone needs a rifle and this sounds like a good one.