i need videos for reloading. i have a few basic questions.


New member

im thinking about getting that to start with. i'll be loading 9mm. i have no idea how that case trimmer works. is it even necessary to trim 9mm brass?

how many times can i reload 9mm brass? till it cracks?

also the lube that comes with the kit is for trimming brass not to put on the bullet?

that kit and a 9mm die is all i need? and if i want to load a few ak47 rounds i just need the die for that?

i'll be shooting a beretta and a ruger 9mm.


New member
Dont worry about the trimming set-up, you'll lose the brass before you need to trim it. Trimming is usually for rifle cases. Pistol case can be reloaded several times before trimming.

When you buy dies, get the lee carbide 4 die set. This includes the factory crimp die. This will remove the flair from belling the case prior to seating the bullet. Removing the flair ensures propper feeding, and helps hold the bullet in place.

This will be quite an experience for you. See if you can find someone to help you thru your first 100 or so cases.

Go to and register at www.handloads.com you'll find a wealth of questions and answers there. Lots of knowledge there.
Get a good loading manual or two, and maybe a copy of "The ABCs of Reloading".
When in doubt, stop and find an answer.