I need to use a lifeline...

Which do you choose?

  • Give the money to your spouse

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New member
I'd like to ask the forum. Hi everyone, this is TX in the hot seat and I need your help. Please read the question and then pick form the five possible answers. One of them is the correct answer. Your time starts now..

For the purposes of this exercise, you must pretend to be an avid gun enthusiast. You have come into some money, about 700.00. It just so happens there is one gun and one only that you wish you had, and it costs 650.00 delivered, unfired, new, in the box, and it is a discontinued highly collectible firearm that sells for close to 900.00 on gunbroker. There is no "function" or "niche" that this piece will fill, as you have all of those things covered, and used them as excuses to make those purchases already. This would be your one excess. In this scenario, you are married. Your spouse does not yet know you have this money, nor will they find out unless you blab.

The choices are:

A) Get the gun

B) Don't get the gun, but keep the money

C) Give the money to your spouse

D) Tell your spouse about the money and discuss it

E) None of the above

This is all, of course, hypothetical. :D


New member
If this subject evens comes to mind then it sounds like you don't have free spending power with your money. Tell your wife about the money and both of you discuss what to do with it.


New member
I just feel bad for so many people...

I would discuss it with my wife - she bought my first gun and the most recent one for me. I purchased 2 in between...

Like the previous poster said, it sounds like there may be an unwritten rule in your household that purchases of this caliber (sorry about that, just could not pass up the pun) are a discussion point in your household. In the interests of keeping the peace in your house, talk with her.

I would hate to see somebody living on the couch for a week or more over a gun. Of course if you are sure she will just say no... No no you better talk to her. Maybe take her shopping first, heh, buy her something, then talk to her about it...


New member
i gotta go with other, because there's ALWAYS another gun you can justify as "functional." guess i'm just not into the collector-phase yet, give it a few years and some big raises.

Apple a Day

New member
Are there any things that are needed around the house? Do you have kids? Too many unknowns.
I'd do what I always do, pay off anything that needs paying off or buying for the house, then split the rest down the middle.
First and foremost, your marriage is a lot more important than another gun. Honesty and openess with the wife will bring you a lot more happiness and for a lot longer than a new toy.


New member
You can buy the gun without her knowing and get a great deal on a firearm. Then she can find out about it (and they always find out eventually) and then she can shoot you with it!. Have the respect to talk to your wife, especially if money is tight. Who cares how good of a deal it is if you have other things you NEED to pay for such as rent and food. If you aren't tight for money, I would suggest you still discuss it with her. How would YOU feel if she came into some money and bought some new jewelry or a few new outfits thinking you wouldn't notice?

Jim Watson

New member
Of course the modern, civilized, caring, sensitive, empowering approach is "D" to "discuss it." This will set a precedent of negotiating for the use of your own money which in every case I have seen ends with her making a countervailing purchase, usually of a larger amount. But it is certainly better than being secretive about it. I can imagine a rational marriage in which you would BOTH feel free to say "Hey, honey, look what I got!" But then I am not married.

N.H. Yankee

New member
I've been married going on 35 years, my wife and I have a policy we worked out years ago. We each get so much a week for fun money, if we come into money by other means than earning it we share it, if one works overtime and all bills are up to date the overtime money is theirs to keep. We also have independant savings and slush fund accounts. this way no one gets their feelings hurt, also the childrens needs always came first PERIOD! If the gun is a rare gun not often seen or a special run and I didnt have the money I would talk to my wife and she would loan me the money from her slush fund, but when her need for a bailout comes I had better be there. A marriage survives on honesty, fairness and mutual respect.


New member
Easy choice. Buy the gun, then sell it on gunbroker and make a profit. Duh! :D

Oh, and tell the spouse about it and discuss what to do with the $950 you now have.


New member
You gotta tell the mrs. about the money. If you don't and she finds out anyway, she will wonder what ELSE you have to hide from her.


New member
Huh? If you have to ask that question then I feel sorry for you.

I passed up two great deals recently (because I quite literally didn't have the money) and have been kicking myself ever since (even though I honestly couldn't afford it).

20" AR-15 A2 sights -- $550
Saiga 12GA w/3 5-round mags -- $325.

Damn I am kicking myself for passing up that saiga. (it was hard... so, so hard...)

Don't be like me... get the freaking gun!!! :D :D :D

Besides... your wife will understand. ;)


New member
sounds to me like the money itself is excess so why not use it? provided it doesnt detract form your monthly expenses and the money is extra, buy the gun. but you will have to allow your wife the same privilage ie: spending excess money she finds on stuff she really really wants


New member
I know what i would do. I would buy the gun if everything that needs money (bill wise) was takin' care of, then its my money. I am engaged to a girl that feels the same way as i do about money. My money is my money. We have discussed family finances and have agreed that when we get married that all bills will be takin' care of by a joined effort. Once that is done we have money that's ours to do with what we please. So the discussion would never take place unless we hadn't payed the bills yet. i wouldn't get upset if she did the same with jewlery or what ever she wanted, because she came apon some bonus money form somewhere. I would probably take the extra money left over and get her something too though.


New member
Get the gun. It will increase in value and is an investment. Would she be upset if you invested the money and it became $900?

If you think talking to her first could end up with you not getting the gun, then by all means get the gun. If you marriage is that shaky it isn't going to last long anyway and the gun will be there forever - assuming she doesn't get it in the divorce ;)


New member
That gun is an investment that has increased in value before you even pay for it. A $250 increase on $650 is not too shabby. Talk to the missus in that vein and you have a chance of living beyond the arrival of the green truck.

FirstInLine and I have a deal which has worked out quite well over the years: I buy a gun, she gets to buy a gun. She buys a gun, I get to buy the next one. :D
