I need to start reloading...


New member
I need to start reloading. Going to gun shops for ammo is getting expensive. I went into a local shop this afternoon to pick up a few boxes of ammo and spotted this on the shelf.

Well actually I spotted it last week but resisted. Driving there I told myself if it is there, I'll look at it again. If it wasn't there I probably would have been disappointed. Low and behold it was still on the shelf and today my will was weak. But I was all smiling when I carried it out to my truck.

Colts of any style are hard to find around here. Gold Cups are even more difficult, so my decision was made. Here it is;



New member
Looks like my other 1911 will become a safe queen. Hard to shoot the other one when this one is now in my posesion.


New member
Nice pistola

I remember when I first got my Gold Cup. I was one of the best days of my life.
She shot like a dream and I would have paid $50 a box for ammo for it.


New member
This is the 1911 that got bumped. It is an essex frame with a colt series 70 slide. (other side says colt competition) It shoots nice but isn't a gold cup.


New member
That's anice ride, I've owned several GCs, NEVER been dissapointed. Always functioned, accurate and SMOOTH! I even carried one on duty for a while, a testament to my faith in them. Good going!:D