I need some help --- Who is the best 22 shooter?


New member
I can use some help today in settling a competition.

This morning a debate started in our family by my 12 year old son asking who was the best 22 rifle shot in the family. It started as a family friendly conversation with everyone claiming to be number one, Queen of the 22, Master of Precision, or as my son put it nothing can stop him when he is on the range. According to him he becomes the Zen Master over all the elements, rifle, scope, ammunition and the wind. Fortunately his comment would push mom over the edge and she screams downstairs boys pick out your favorite 22, Dad let’s pack up and head to the range and settle this score once and for all. It is always a fantastic day when you and the family can settle a score and have a great day of family competition on range.

I have posted pictures of the targets here.

For those that have read my website know that I have no advertisements and get no benefit from anyone visiting as it is just my way of sharing or giving back to the community. I was not intending to post anything, but my wife and son insisted and said we should let the readers decide. If you would leave a comment letting us know what you think as I am sure my son would get a kick out of it.
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New member
I will be diplomatic and say that you are all good shots and I would share a foxhole with any of the three. :D


New member
Can't let the kids win ever! However, if we had a range day like that and my daughter took it seriously she'd stomp my butt into the ground. Rifle or pistol it doesn't matter my daughter has a gift.


New member
The last few targets were better, but bench setups seem kinda shaky.

Front and rear stable rests can make a big difference in benchrest accuracy. It's amazing that Zenmaster could shoot as well as he did on the final target, given the pile of bags he was shooting from.

I used to be the same way, until I got benchrest "religion". However, plinking is always more fun than bench shooting, especially shooting steel targets.


New member
I would have said that you were.... BUT....Going by the very last target, I would have to say that the "Zen Master" takes the day. Gotta give credit where credit is due.

"Alas, the student has surpassed the teacher"

as much as I like the aspect of a takedown 10-22... I question their ability to shoot as accurately as a good fixed barrel gun... ( so... Zen just chose poorly, IMO )

I think if all used "dad's rifle" to shoot the most accurate of the group... "junior" may end up being the real "Zen Master"

trouble with parenting... is it's easy to beat the kids when they are little, but by the time they get the age of the OP's son, their eyes are better, & suddenly we find ourselves relying on experience & treachery to beat the youth ;)

nice write up... enjoyed reading it