I need some advice for a light mount...870


New member
I am trying to mount a light on my 870 (18" barrel, 6 round mag). I have a Surefire 6p with a TacStar pressure switch, but I need a good bracket to mount the light under the magazine. The ones I have seen are flimsy looking clamps that, if tightend too much, would actually crimp the mag tube. I'm looking for something a bit more substantial. Any ideas or products you can point me too would be appreciated. Thanx.

gordo b.

New member
Put a $90 Surefire Rail forehand on it with a $30 Pic ring and dump the pressure switch! Later then you save your change consider a LaRue Battle light, which has it's own mount and is a Killer diller LCD unit . I consider the Surrefire Rail foreend a more versatile deal than their dedicated light foreends of which I have several. :)


New member
Sounds like good advice. I didn't know Surefire made anything other that the built in forend. I'll check it all out...and thanks for the info.

W Turner

New member
Another inexpensive way to attach a light to a SG is to use Weaver-style scope mounts. I have an 870 that I have attached a Surefire G2 to in this manner and it will suffice until I can afford a lighted forearm.



New member
I got a solution! To recap, I have a 6P that I attached a Tacstar remote switch to. I found a great mount made in WA for 35 bucks. It won't crimp the mag tube. It's called "Lite Mount Technologies" www.litemounttech.com :)