I need info FAST on ATF Screwups


New member
I sell target systems and the inventor of the target system has arranged for an ATF representative to be here today. I would like to have some "ammo" for this guy when he comes. If you could give me some examples and a BRIEF narrative of what happened I would apprieciate it very much.


New member
Am I trying to kill the sale?

Look this is the first time I have met with anybody from the ATF. Couple of things here: this "could" be a legitamate look see, but knowing the guy thats bringing them this could very well be a freakshow event (don't ask) anyway if the guy gives me any problems I fully intend to ask him some TUFF questions. I will post about the encounter IF I COULD GET ANYBODY TO RESPOND!!!!!!!!!!!!! Give me some gun grabbing incedents or something look I am at work and don't have time to do a bunch of searches and reading I am keeping my link open as I am working and refreshing every so often this thread has 44 views and one response and its been here 2 hours I would have thought more people would have helped out on this.


New member
Sorry, can't remember names and times but a couple months back the BATF raided and confiscated all of the stock of a gunshop in Arizona. Surely someone can give you more dtuff on that.

just trying to get everyone started.



New member
The guy in Arizona is named Bob Stewart. He is the owner of Maadi Griffin. He has been jerked around a lot. I don't know any specifics but that should be pretty easy to find in legal & political.


New member
If you have time and access to a phone, try Bob Glass at Paladin Arms. He's the founder of Tyranny Response Team, creator of The Partisan magazine. He can probably quote cases, chapter and verse.

He's in Longmont, CO, number is 303-442-7872


New member
Um, one thing to remember: always be polite and courteous, and try to get *everything* on tape. And backup tape. Do nothing that will look, or sound, bad on tape.


New member
The carl Wilson story is legit. There was also a newspaper article posted on FreeRepublic--another good site to search. The event happened within the last few months--but the writer of the Sierra Times story (I know the site, generally OK but a little rightist) added a few interesting details about Wilson's upcoming testimony in a Clinton-related case(?)


New member

I printed out EACH article off of americaliberty website. I haven't had my face to face with BATF guy yet. I think after reading all that you provided that I am going to refuse the sale. I wish you would find a post I originated called "Please read" I think you will understand why I am refusing the sale. Call me crazy but I am getting frustrated with some of the people on TFL they don't seem to want to put their money where their mouth is. Thank you so very much for providing me the info you have. When I slap these articles down in this guys face I will let you know what happens. I wouldn't be surprised if I am not the target of a SWAT/BATF raid shortly afterwards. Hope this isn't my last post.