I need help with a Remington 1100


New member
I have an 1100 which I inherited from my Grandfather. I just took it down and gave it a thorough cleaning (after many years of neglect). I also replaced the the gas pistons and o-ring. After reassembling, everything seems to work except the trigger does not cock when the bolt is pulled back. Does anyone know what might cause this condition? I am assuming something in the trigger group is not right.


New member
It's been a while since I went beyond a simple barrel and bolt removal on an 1100.
Did it work before you cleaned it? You'd be surprised how many folks open up a gun without first giving it a basic inspection.
Did you remove the trigger group? Did you break down the trigger group?
Does the bolt fully retract? If not, it's most likely a re-assembly issue. If yes, look for the problem within the trigger group. Perhaps it's trying to tell you it's time for a trigger job.
Do you have a good 1100 manual?

Good luck