I Need a good sling......


New member
Sounds like a good one. I like the standard leather military slings, but I’ve got a nylon “Super Sling” for a synthetic-stocked rifle that works kind of like this one does, and I like that, too.

If the leather is too light, just use Kiwi leather dye and make it brown or cordovan or whatever. It’s totally simple to dye leather.

Semper fi,
Bruegger out


New member

Your'e absolutely right Brew, I can change that color right quick!

Unless I hear something bad, I'll get it.

Will Beararms

New member
Try the normal super sling in black nylon. Not the super sling two. I first thought they were hokey but you'll get addicted and with it's quick take up and let off, it's very functional. Get the widest version. It's light and you don't even know it's there.

I use nylon slings on my shotguns and rifles. If you get it rain-soaked, just ket it air dry and your good to go and it will never lose its shape.

Brian Williams

New member
I have one of these that I bought about 20 years ago and it has been an excellent buy for me. it is now getting a little stiff from lack of use. I have a couple of super slings that are the same thing only in nylon, they are less worry in the woods, and a whole lot cheaper$22 vs 45+
if you get one get the widest one you can.


Staff Alumnus
I'm not sure if you heard of the Ching Sling but I highly recommend it. For a "standard" sling (i.e. not tactical) I can think of no better sling for a rifle, weather for hunting or competition.

Everyone who has shot my rifle with this sling has fell in love with them.

Use and manufactures can be found at the link above.