I miss hearing the gunfire

TX Hunter

New member
I have noticed lately that I havent heard a Gun shot in a long time. I havent fired mine either because amunition is hard to come by. Where I live it was common to hear shooting. Is it like this everywhere ?


Maybe you should visit one of your local trap/skeet/sporting clays clubs - LOTS of gun fire going on ( and LOTS of fun too!)
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Brian Pfleuger

Moderator Emeritus
I've noticed no difference here and I suspect that there is no significant difference in most areas.

I think it's the same phenomenon as when you buy a new car and all of a sudden you see the same car all over the place.

TX Hunter

New member
Could be, I have noticed that skeet shot is usually available and reasonably priced so the Skeet and Trap Ranges must still be operational. I dont have any near by. I use to really enjoy shooting my old Surplus Mauser and my Ruger Single Six. And would often hear others plinking or sighting in a Rifle. But not now. I hope everything goes back to normal so we can enjoy our firearms again without worry.


New member
From fear to shortages !!!

I've noticed no difference here and I suspect that there is no significant difference in most areas.
I have noticed a difference in the two local ranges that I shoot at. When the scare first took hold, you had to get in line to shoot. Lately I don't have to wait long, if at all. I no longer hear about bans but instead about shortages. This too will pass .... ;)

Be Safe !!!


People have ammo they just aren't shooting it. They're stockpiling it for some unknown reason or event they dreamed up in their head.

Brian Pfleuger

Moderator Emeritus
TX Hunter said:
I hope everything goes back to normal so we can enjoy our firearms again without worry.

Ironically, I've done more shooting since the panic began than I was before. I don't shoot hundreds of rounds a month, anyway, but I don't let my stock get low. I haven't bought a single component in probably a year and I've still got a couple years worth left.

I hope some folks learn some lessons from all this. First, any serious hunter/shooter should be reloading their own ammo and, second, they should be building a reasonable buffer of supplies, enough to ride out these panics which are caused by folks who DON'T plan ahead.

For me, 6 or 8 one pound jugs of powder and a few hundred bullets is plenty. For someone else, it might be 75 pounds of powder and 75,000 bullets but if it's done outside the panic, it won't feed the panic.

Closing The Gap

New member
There is/has been no difference for me. We shoot on a state game area gravel pit range that is free. It's been as busy as ever. Even on the cold days when snow was still covering everything.

TX Hunter

New member

Your right, I do handload for my Mauser, and a couple of other Rifles I own, but never bought large quantities of Powder or Primers, there was alwayse a supply. As of lately I have started to conserve what I have because its more expensive and harder to get. I will buy more often and put some back from now on.


New member
I must admit I didnt hear a single shot I wasn't fiiring on my last trip up to Wisconsin this past weekend. Usually I hear a few shots throughout the day, even in the winter. Heck last summer someone was really going to town sometimes like 1/2-1 mile way with some kind of a semi auto rifle, must have fired over 200 rounds..no more :( its like a day without sunshine.


New member
Over the weekend my son and I made sure the new 40 round mags he bought for his AK worked properly (they did, again and again). I expect we were heard for miles as the river is way up and sound really travels across that water.

I must be getting old because a 30 rounder is now enough for me.


New member
I live in the suburbs, but I work in Chicago, So I ALWAYS hear gunfire while at work. Not me doing the shooting though...

TX Hunter

New member
I think it will get better, I will be glad when I hear the recreational shooting start back,and when I also start seeing amunition on the shelves again, I will feel better.Thanks for Your replys I was just wondering how the situation was in other parts of the Country.


New member
We live on the edge of a small town, and just Sunday I heard the music of shotguns. Bunch of guys who get together and shoot Annie Oakley.
Earier that day, I had been to the local range and shot the new AR, as well as .45 ACP and .45 Colt. Doesn't seem to be any letup in the amount of gunfire around these parts.


New member
I live in a Chicago suburb and I hear gunfire all the time, I think most of it is celebratory cultural thing though. I just don’t get the need to go out at 2 in the morning and set off fireworks or fire a few shots into the air.