I Might Regret This.... SA "Loaded" 1911


New member
I'm thinking of selling my Glock 35 and getting a SA "Loaded" with the Parkerized finish. The G35 has been very good to me but I shot a nicely customized Springfield (Tussey) and what do you know, I really really miss shooting a 1911 type pistol. :eek:

My Expectations:

1. Of course I dont' expect the Loaded model to be as nice as the full blown custom. :p I've owned a few Colt 1911's in the past (Gov't Enhanced, Gold Cup, NRM 1991A1) so if the SA is about as good as the Colt 1991A1 I'll be happy.

2. I thought about the Mil-Spec or GI model but I simply prefer beavertails for shooting comfort.

3. MIM parts/2 piece barrel: My SIG P228/P220ST will alway remain my defense guns esp. since I prefer not having active safeties on defense handguns anyways. The SA Loaded will be my fun range gun (bowling pin shoots) so I'm not really worried about reliability or parts breakage. And it probably isnt' as common as I think anyways. At @ 5~10,000 rounds I'll probably have an aftermarket barrel/bushing fitted and all the MIM parts replaced with tool steel parts among a few other things. Maybe even have it fully customized? Until then, if something breaks I'll have it fixed as I go.

4. Its gonna be difficult selling my G35. But I don't want to practice shooting DA/SA, SA cocked and locked, and Glock triggers. One of them has to go. :(

*If anyone owns a SA Mil-Spec, GI, and esp. a "Loaded" model I'd appreciate your experience owning these guns. I'm still a bit ambivalent giving up my G35. :eek: :D ;)


New member
Ian I seem to be in the same boat as you right now. Looking at the SA Champion "loaded" model or something similar. I'm trying to decide whether or not to part with my Sig225 or HK USP 40 to buy a 1911. I tried inquiring about SA's loaded 1911's a while back here but didn't get many responses. Maybe somebody will chime in. :)


New member

That is a tough choice. P225 or USP. Its nice to have at least one CCW friendly carry piece like the P225. But, the USP can be carried cocked and locked (assuming yours is variant 1) just like the SA 1911. That is a dilemma.

deputy tom

New member
You might miss the G-35 but I don't think you will make a mistake purchasing a Loaded Springfield 1911.I love mine.tom. :D


New member
Loadeds are nice. I have three and they're all sound. Have a Champion too and, well, on our TV commercial you can see me shoot the X ring out with one mag at 15 yards.


New member
Ian- I can't speak to your Glock issues (I own a G19), but my Loaded is outstanding. I did a bit of internal work myself. Nothing outrageous- just wanted to reduce the stock trigger pull a bit; got it down from 6.5# to 4#. My G19 is light, accurate, and dependable. My 1911 is solid, accurate, and dependable. And, it's a 1911. Love 'em or not, the are special!

A friend of mine requalified for his concealed carry permit with my Loaded after shooting only six rounds through it. He blew one big hole in the middle of the target. He now owns a 1911. 'Nuf said.



This may sound stupid, but can you retain your Glock and just put the other on Lay-A-Way or something?

The reason that I say this is because you seem to like the Glock but you want another pistol which in turn will make you expect the "ultima great gun" from the SA and if it doesn't live up to YOUR expectations then you will then regret having sold/traded your Glock in for it.

I have found, as most of the older members on the board (chime in older members) that when you sell or trade a gun that you like for another, your expectations are too great for any mechanical device to live up to so therefore, your next post or thread will be "Why did I trade in my (insert name here) for this POS (insert name here)".

Don't get me wrong, if there was a chance to bash Glocks then I would go for it, not a Glock person, but no matter the gun, if you like and then trade/sell for another, the gun that you got will never live up to the expectations of what you think it should and thus you will soon regret your choice.

Keep the Glock and go the Lay-A-Way route. You won't be unhappy if you have both :).



New member

I hear what you're sayin'. :) I've sold guns and regretted before but I also believe I have been able to discover guns I never would have if I didn't. I know this may be blasphemy :p but I dont' really like having a wide variety of handguns. At one point I had a revolver, a Glock, a SIG, an H&K USP, and two Colt 1911s. Everytime I took one to the range I felt like I had to get re-adjust to its ergonomics, its controls, and just the way it shot. My main defensive guns are SIGs but I'm allowing myself one type that's more of a "fun" gun that's easy for me to pick up and shoot (Glock or 1911). While I want to collect more 1911's in the future I wasn't really interested in getting more Glocks beyond the G35. So it really isn't the money. Sorry for the long winded response.

Anyways. I decided not to get the "Loaded". I got the TRP Armory Kote model instead. :p Yeah, it still has MIM parts and maybe its not the greatest value out there but in CA we have only so many choices. I thought about the Kimber TLE (potential extractor issues), S&W1911/SIG GSR (only avail in stainless for now), CA Trojan (that CA rollmark is a blight :barf: ) or a Les Baer TRS or a Valtro but I'd rather not wait. What I will wait for is a SA Professional. Maybe in a year or two. But one step at a time. Let's see how the TRP works out for me. :cool:

Thanks everyone.


New member
I have a 1911A1 "loaded". It has to be the easiest pistol to shoot that I have!! It is more than accurate enough fo my needs.
The only modification I made to it was to lose that full length guide rod. It makes the pistol easier to break down and does not effect the accuracy in the least!!

I would go for it!!

As for trading the Glock, that is something you will have to wrestle with in your own heart of hearts!!