I Love Firearm Therapy!


New member
Without boring details of the week, this one has been rough so far at work...

So I grabbed one of my kids who likes to shoot and headed to the closest gun range. Shot through 50 rds on my Full-size M&P 9mm and then decided to try some rental guns. Loved the S&W .40 Shield!!! My first time shooting a .40 and really liked it. I think I know what my next gun will be when I get my CHL. Also tried a full-size PX4 Storm in .40. Wasn't horrible, but didn't love it. I'm not a Glock guy, but actually was pleasantly surprised by the G27. Kind of liked it and shot it pretty well.
Also tried my first rifle. OK it was a M&P 15/.22, but still fun. Kind of weird going from handguns to rifle, but got the hang of it quick.
Overall... my firearm therapy took my crappy week and put a little kickin' spin to it!
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New member
Shooting is the best theropy out there. Waaaay better than drinking, at least you don't get a hangover after shooting.


New member
My 10 year old son is also in need of some firearms therapy, or so he told me on the phone last night. I've been away from home for two weeks now on business with two more to go, so he's stuck at the house with his mom and big sister. Seems there's too much estrogen for him. Says he's ready to put a few hundred rounds downrange from the AR. Can't blame him!


New member
Ha... I know that I am in for that from my 13 year old who goes shooting with me. I'm about to head out of town for over a month and I know he'll be jones-ing for some range time once I get back. I will be too since I'm headed to handgun hell, NYC!