I love easy to work on semi automatics!


New member
How much simpler can it get?



New member
What caliber?
I see "SF"
10mm or 45?

I agree the beauty of Glocks are in the ease of maintenance and spare part availability.


New member
It has been written and said that they are Perfect -

So why would one need to break it down?

For the same reason I change the oil in my car earlier than the manufacturer states is needed... because a little extra care, lube and cleaning are never a bad thing.

And yes it does kaboom.. every time I pull the trigger. Then it does it again 9 more times.. change the magazine and repeat.

The percentage of Glocks that have kaboomed with factory loads (not squibs, bad reloads etc) is so tiny it's almost funny. Consider the number of Glocks in the country compared with the number of problems.

Nothing mechanical can ever be perfect.. ever. That being said my Glocks have been more reliable than any semi auto I've ever owned...