I lost a pistol tonight - to my daughter


New member
I can't say my 17 year daughter has been much into guns over the years. Don't get me wrong having two daughters each one of them have been around guns since they were born.

They are knowledgeable with gun safety and have shot just about everything I own. My oldest isn't a hunter but on occasion she will do some target shooting with me but it has been far less over the past few year.

Two weeks ago I added a Glock 27 and when I went out to shoot it she followed and asked if she could try it. She didn't like it very well because it does have a little bit of a kick for a heavy weight compact. But in any event I was happy she had some interest that day.

After dinner tonight I asked her if she wanted to shoot the Sig 380 and she said just so it isn't the Glock. I was feeling pretty happy because like I said as she got older she has more girl interests and gun haven't been part of of those.

I took a few boxes of lead reloads and we went outside to do a little target shooting. After she shot two 7 round magazines she looked at me and asked, "Dad can I have this gun?" Without a hesitation I said yes when she gets to the legal age I would give it to her.

She said it was fun to shoot and that she could target shoot with this all day. I will miss my stainless steel Sig 380 but having my daughter start to get her interest back towards shooting was priceless tonight.

In addition I was proud that she remember all the safety rules that went along with shooting since it has been a few years since we last really shot together. She even remembered to go and get her safety glasses without me telling her.


New member
Don't feel too bad... my Daughter "claimed" my SS Colt Gold Cup years ago. I tried to sell it once (when she wasn't paying too close attention) and she about had a meltdown of epic, girl in her late 20s proportions.



New member
Great story. Glad to see you and our daughter reconnecting, every teenager needs their dad (and mom) more than they would like to admit.


I was told by my X-wife yesterday that my guns make my daughter nervous and unhappy when shes at my house,and see them.Shes 12 btw.
I remember having them out and showing them to her and trying to see if she was interested in going to the pistol range with me.Then they were locked in thier case and taken downstairs and put away.
Being divorced suxs and seeing so much influence my x has on my daughter before she even gets a chance to see life how i see and live it.

Anyhow id be proud to have my daughter ask to keep one of mine,mabey some day it will happen :)

Doc Intrepid

New member
Me too....

raftman said:
"I'd be pretty happy if I lost a gun under those circumstances."
I would too.

I never had the privilege of raising a daughter, but if I had, I do believe I would have wanted to send her out into the world with a pistol she could shoot well, and the mental and moral ability to defend herself with it.

I can't think of a better way to lose a gun...



New member
My 13 year old daughter didn't bother to claim it. She just "assumed" the Buckmark I've owned for 20 years or so was hers. She shoots it better than me anyway. :p


New member
I'd say she has very good taste! My little SIg P232 is also a favorite of mine - shoots great, is solid enough to shoot a lot without any fear of wearing it out, and is (IMO) an ideal size for actually carrying daily (as in , every day).

papa shooter

New member

I have lost a pretty good collection of rifles,pistols and revolvers to my kids. Now it is my grandkids turn. My 15 year oge granddauaghter claimed my new Remington 700 .223 last week and my old Parker-Hale .30-06. My 6 year old grandson claimed my dads old Nylon 66 last summer. Oh well at least I get to go shopping again.
Boy I married a patient soul. As long as it's for the"grandkids" it's okay for me to buy it.
God I love that women!!!



New member
My 14yr old girl lays claim to my Colt match target. Although I told her that she gets it when I die she probly will get it after graduating college. My grandfather once told me I could have it when he was done with it. He gave it to me when I came home on leave from the USAF. That was the last time I saw him alive. The fact that it is my girls favorite to shoot is a bonus. Passing down this stuff is realy what collecting is all about.
This thread is what anti-gunners need to read. Oh it wouldn't do any good they just don't get it!

Anyway good luck with those girls, I hope you have many days like you mentioned here.


New member
My oldest daughter has claimed two of mine plus the Makarov that I bought for her. The one she likes to shoot the best is my SBH 44 mag but she can't have that one.:D