I leave in the morning.


New member
For scenic Camp Grayling, Michigan, for my Annual Training. And it's sure to be a fun two weeks. If it's anything like last year, and the year before, it'll rain for three days straight, they wont' be ready for us when we arrive at the demo range (causing us to have to sit there for nine hours) and I'll get a dehydration headache and throw up.

*sigh* LOL

When I return, I'll be certain to post a Post Annual Training Report, just as I did last year.

Until then. Y'all behave while I'm gone. ;)


New member
Small world.

My mom's mom and dad lived in Grayling, great little town on the Au Sable river, IIRC.

I still remember as a kid hearing the arty practice.

Alas, all three are gone to an even better place.


New member
I mean it, Runt. No wild parties, no staying up late every night, and no scary movies. That nice boy Oleg can come over during the day be he'd better go home by 10:30. Lawdog is in charge this year. (We let George Hill do it last year and he kept making prank phone calls to Teddy Kennedy.) He tells the best stories (from books protected by Skunkability Tactical Matte Black Dust Covers), and it'll give you something to do. Or you can play scrabble, or clean weapons. Just don't get CLP on my nice rug!

...sorry. Couldn't resist. :eek:


New member
I was in the reserves for eight years and went to Grayling like four of them. Never did see Fred Bear though.

The mosquitos there are world class. We were forced to drink until we passed out every night for our own safety.

Jim V

New member
Oh, please, please, please bring rain. We have not had any really good rain since the first of June. If it is still as hot as it is now when you get there, you will hope and pray for rain or even snow. :D


New member
Still no rain down there, huh? WE got dumped on up here in the UP. Needed it bad, too, our farm's well was awfully low.

But once I'm in the field at Grayling, it will inevitably rain. You watch.