I keep hearing talk about "open carry" becoming legal in MS???


New member
I keep seeing posts on some firearms forums about "open carry" becoming legal in Mississippi this summer. I can't seem to get a satisfying explanation from anyone I have talked to (haven't phoned the MS highway patrol) about what this change in the language of the law will mean exactly.

I have seen postings reflecting the view that open carry will now be allowed without the requirement of a permit. http://www.mississippigunnews.com/open-carry-legal-in-ms/

I have read/heard others say that their interpretation is that permitted concealed carriers will no longer have to worry about "printing" or inadvertently revealing their concealed firearm.

http://www.nraila.org/legislation/s...ate-gives-final-approval-to-house-bill-2.aspx Another description of the law change.

Is there anybody here who is absolutely sure of the intent of this law?

I do not intend to open carry (exposed thigh rig), but I am interested in a concealed carry permit and would be more interested if an accidental "printing" or flash of a holster would not endanger me legally.

Coyote Blue

New member
I have seen nothing about any changes in Mississippi law. A license is still necessary to open carry in MS. I see no change in the foreseeable future.

At least you have an option. In Florida,there is none.


New member
I do enjoy the permit-free "car carry" in MS. There is always a handgun on my car seat when i'm driving, very comforting.

I am wondering what this change will be or do.

Brian Pfleuger

Moderator Emeritus
orangello said:
would be more interested if an accidental "printing" or flash of a holster would not endanger me legally.

I can't address the law but I will address this concern. The same is theoretically true in NY and I have never known or heard of a single instance wherein someone had any trouble from such a thing.

99% of the people are completely oblivious and don't see open carried guns, say nothing of printing or flashing.

Most people who did notice would assume that you're a cop and/or not care.

99% of the time, you're not going to be printing or flashing anyway, so what anyone might think or how they'd react is irrelevant.


New member
Well, an update for the file I suppose: My brother-in-law attended his class to get his "enhanced" endorsement on his concealed carry permit in MS. His instructor ( a local LEO and veteran ) explained that the new law going into effect in July will make it legal for a person to openly carry a firearm in a visible holster. The instructor advised that he anticipated a lot of inconvenience for OC people in the beginning, since LEO's and moreso private citizens could be surprised/curious/frightened by the appearance of all of these firearms on random citizens. The instructor indicated that permit holders would also be allowed to carry openly, but he advised against it primarily on the basis of the loss of the element of surprise.

The instructor is a good cop; I know his family and him on a business basis. I trust his opinion and judgment. He stressed to the permit holders to have their permit ready at LEO encounters, with their driver's license, not so much for legal requirements but to put the LEO more at ease with them, since the permit indicates they can pass the background check.

I don't see me OCing without a permit, but I will be more comfortable having my firearm on me when moving from home to car to office and back.

I will most likely apply for a permit to concealed carry this summer and will get the "enhanced" class done first.
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