I just shot a full auto Krinkov


New member
My friend, wealthier than I, recently purchased a class III krinkov. He got to shoot it for the first time today, so I tagged along. It is a blast! (literally)
As per some of the discussions I have seen regarding it, I can say with certianity that the muzzle attachment does very little "flash hiding". In broad daylight there was a very visible fireball coming off the muzzle. I'd hate (love) to see what it is like without it! We put 500 rounds through it, including three chinese 75rd drums, with not one problem, testament to the AK's solid design. The string of shells coming out of the side of it is truly a sight to behold. Damn, does that thing get hot! we had the wood handguard smoking at the end. I would have to say this is definately a close quarters weapon, as in FA it was not any too accurate. It sure was fun though. BTW, it was in 7.62.
I know I should have posted this in Full Auto, but I wanted to put it where it might actually be seen.


New member
You lucky bastard.

Did you test the accuracy in semi at all or were you too busy playing in auto?

What receiver/Krink parts were used, if you know?

Krinks are too cool.


New member
In semi it was fairly accurate, at least out to fifty yards or so shooting at rocks. I really have to be honest though, I shot maybe two-three rounds in semi. I put about a hundred rounds through it myself, each mag in one pull of the trigger for the most part. I just couldn't help myself!
I'm not sure who did the build on it. My friend bought it from a guy in Conneticutt. Whoever did build it also stamped cyrillic letters onto the receiver for the selector lever positions, as well as a couple other places. It was very well done. I'm really not sure about any of the other parts, as I don't have enough knowledge about Krinks' in general. It sure did get wicked hot though after we put two drums and a 30 rounder through it in quick sucession, just before we had to go home. I can't wait until I get to shoot it again.