I just moved into heaven (in VT)!!

Peter Gun

New member
I just moved into my new house (sharing w/ two guys) and I can't beleive I can shoot off my back porch!
I went to check out the place last week and I was thinking It would be great if I could shoot in the back yard, but I hadn't really thought that much about it. The property borders 100 acres of woods. I go to move in today and there are targets all over the place! One housemate had mentioned he had a .22 but I hadn't realized that my second interview w/ this roommate was purely for the purpose of discreetly finding out how I felt about guns. They hadn't asked me if I shoot, and I didn't really bring it up so that I didn't scare them. Turns out they have a few .22's. You should have seen their faces when I unloaded my collection from the truck! Probably looks a lot like when you find out your new female roommate is actually a Hustler centerfold and has lots of similar friends! Yup, I think this place will do just fine. Better start buying ammo by the container instead of the case!! Yee ha!:D :D :D :D
Welcome to Vermont...

Now go home! ;) That's what a Vermont cop tells me they say when they gripe about folks moving in. The Green Mountain state doesn't require a CCW, you can own Class III, and it's relatively close to a lot of Revolutionary War and French-Indian War battlefields or forts.

Guess all the leave are gone by now and you're in for 6 months of barren trees (so I've been told). But all things considered, it's a great place. Congratulations on getting your slice of Heaven.

Peter Gun

New member
Six months of barren trees, but hopefully feet and feet of snow! My new skidoo should arrive next week! trying to figure out some sort of snowmobile biathalon.:D
When I moved here 4 yrs ago (from the PR of MD) I had no idea about the carry laws. Nice bonus! However recently I've been given a reason to carry as we are starting to get a lot of heroin related random violence. I fear gun control may be the knee-jerk reaction. No candidate has been politically dumb enough to bring it up this election, though.


New member
Which part of Vermont do you live in?

I spent 8 great months in Northfield and Montpelier (I went to Norwich Univ, starting at MCV but having had real drill sergeants who were Vietnam vets calling someone w/ 2 years at a military college "drill sergeant" was such a joke that I decided to change to Vermont College of Norwich University). I used to think about moving semi-perminantly (I am a city boy and more than 4 or 5 years in that rural an area would probably make me go nuts) to either Montpelier or to Burlington. If I ever make enough money to seriously think about owning a vacation home it will be in Vermont (again, probably near Montpelier).


New member
Man, i'm jealous. My mom moved to VT a few years ago, so I've spent quite a bit of time there since. Absolutely beautiful. I need to get some land out in the country, and i'm seriously tempted to just move up there. Really does sound like heaven...


New member
I spent the most fantastic summer of my life in Burlington, VT. Between May and September, it is the most beautiful place I have ever seen on earth! Being from South LA, the rest of the seasons up there I can do without.... :D

I too have frequently toyed with the idea of buying a summer home in VT.... Maybe one day....

Congratulations on your fortune, Peter Gun, and happy shooting!



New member
i'd love to know what the crime rate is in vermont,all these whineing states with all kinds of gun restrictions like my state NY bitch about gun control,here VTsays you don't need a ccw and you can have a full auto:D :D :D what are we doing so wrong that there not:confused: :confused: :confused: .


New member
Yeah, I like Vermont so much I'm not going to move there.

The rate of violent crime in New England as a whole is extremely low. This includes states like MA and RI with lots of gun laws, NH and VT with essentially none, and CT in the middle. So you can't draw any particular conclusion about Vermont, which is still the most rural state in the U.S. , although that won't be true for long with the # of people moving there, from trust fund hippies to Manhattan refugees.

Peter Gun

New member
I live outside Stowe.
Actually the population of VT is not increasing very much, just the Burlington area. The big problem in my opinion is second home owners. Some contribute greatly to the VT economy, but most simply level all the trees on a hillside, build a trophy home, run the A/C non stop, have the lawn mowed twice a week, demand we salt the roads constantly, demand we built beltways, drive up property values, don't buy VT agricultural products when they are out of state, only use the house once a year, and then complain the property taxes are too high when they're half of wherever they come from. In short, waste our resources while contributing little in return. Now they want voting rights too, what a joke. Now the local politicians are doin it too. They all want to attract big business to "create jobs". Pretty soon this place will be indistinguishable from CT or MA and what fun will that be?
So welcome to VT, but please don't try and turn it into where you came from. I moved here to get away from that crap!
Sorry this turned into a drunken rant.
Guess I'll go shoot a couple rounds to bring back my happy face! :D
BTW, your right to bear arms is written into your State Constitution. Not going to be easy to re-do that!

What a beautiful place VT is. You're just a hop, skip & jump from Springfield Armory in Mass.