I just don't get it!

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Read this story about a shooting.

Now first off, this IS NOT a racially charged thread I'm making. I would, however, like to have people of color inform me on why the family would blame racism for this man's actions. I would really like to understand the mentality behind it. If I had a family member commit such a crime, I certainly WOULD NOT claim it was because we were kicked off our land and regulated to reservations.

If it gets deleted, then I guess the powers that be here will have their reasons. But I hope it isn't because someone steps in here with racist intent and comments.

It just ticks me off tremendously to know that because of this family, of the millions of hard working black American's out there, at least ONE of which WILL be discriminated against, have now had their likelihood of having their issues addressed properly reduced.

I'm left wondering why the family of the sicko that did this would bring race into it? It immediately reminded me of the time a black man had been put on trail for murdering a 70 something man in a robbery and once sentenced by the jury, one of the black man's family yelled, "This ain't RIGHT! It ain't like he was gonna live much longer anyway!" This is a time for apologizing for what YOUR family member has done, NOT insulting the people around you!

This shooting makes me sick to my stomach. Those poor families! And shootings at the work place are happening with greater frequency. And since there's a claim of racism, the hard left leaning people will use this as even MORE fuel with which to run their ugly machine intent on taking away our 2nd Amendment rights. I guess people just don't realize that individuals kill people, not guns. I've yet to see a torque wrench jump off my tool box and go on a killing spree. Just like I've never seen a gun take off out the safe and go kill people. But I've seen and heard of people killing people with guns, knives, machete's, you name it, people use it. But mark my words, because of this families incapability of blaming their family member for this horrific crime, and instead using race, there will be even more people backing the reduction of our rights to own and carry firearms. Because it will be the white employers fault this black man was "driven to obtain ammo for his gun and kill".


New member
"people of color" don't think any differently than you do (assuming you're white). Racial tension might be foreign to you because you are a majority.. but that doesn't mean you can't imagine what it would feel like. It's much like any other form of alienation... not a good feeling but certainly not grounds for murder.

"blaming" racism on a shooting is really just a cover for a mentally deranged man who neglected reason and acted on impulse/emotion. Racism had nothing to do with it and the family is foolish for saying so.


New member
"It makes no sense the people he killed. Why would somebody do such a thing? They were his co-workers. They never ... harmed him in any way."

I am willing to bet that statement is the crux of the problem. Co workers have probably been prodding the poor guy for years with verbal probes and the bosses ignored it. I am willing to bet the other people stole beer on a regular basis and they used him as an example. The prejudice was there just no one wants to admit it. Although they ( co workers and bosses) may have considered it just good old fun.


This topic will hit the "third rail" because we cannot discuss the "facts" because we can't handle the truth. The mass murder was racially motivated. Sorry, but that is a fact. Second, well over 90%of all violent crime, including mass murders, between blacks and whites is black on white crime. Whites rarely attack/shoot blacks. Facts are tough things. All the reasons for this are not open for discussion.
We all need to face one fact...

All threads in General Discussion must be gun related, as in directly gun related. This is peripherally gun related at best.

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