I just bought one ugly gun


New member
Well, I bought a Hi-Point 9mm Carbine. Probably the ugliest gun I have ever seen. For $70, I figure I couldn't go wrong, especially with their no-questions asked lifetime warranty. Figure it'll make a good little plinking gun, ammo is cheap enough for my college buddies to go out and shoot with me, and on top of that, the gun just fits me well, and feels good. Plus, I love the apreature sights.

So, anything I should know before I go and shoot it? Anywhere online I can find a disassembly diagram?


New member
Best $70 you'll ever spend

Bought mine for $165 when they first came out...They're just plain fun plinkers, though reasonably accurate to boot...I've probably run 4-5000 rounds through mine, and never had a malfunction, used lots of cheapo Wolf and Blazer in it...Don't know how to dissassemble it...never tried or needed to...figure I'll have to someday when it stops working :p


New member
Eh, the previous owner looked like he bathed the gun in Hoppes. LOTS of oil in there, and I don't lke oil.


New member
I purchased the 40cal model, super accurate and fun, also ordered the manual
from Mk well worth the $12. Dont over tighten bolts however check them when cleaning, I use FP10 only for cleaning & lube, would not use some products on the plastic stock of Hi-point, may be an issue, (not sure on that).


New member
OK, I'll probably just clean up what I can, and worry about it when it becomes a problem. Just a lot of excess oil in there, figured it'd just gum it up after a while.

I also do a lot of cold weather shooting (0 or below), oil and grease don't help there at all. Especially dirty oil.


New member
OK, I'll probably just clean up what I can, and worry about it when it becomes a problem. Just a lot of excess oil in there, figured it'd just gum it up after a while.

An aircompressor and FP10 is your friend with hard to clean firearms, air will
remove most of the dirt, FP10 lubes and doesn't collect dust. Try it you'll
like it.


New member
Can you find it at Wal-Mart, or is it like an auto product, or is it an actual gun oil?

Is it anything like CLP?


New member
Never seen it at walmart, some gun shops, I believe cabela's carries it.
For me it has worked great on various firearms, I use it on a Kahr MK9
that was super tight, hundreds of rounds and no ftf's. Also had a Ruger
22/45 polymer frame it would jam usually once per mag. Cleaned all other
grease, oils out and used FP10, no ftf's since. I swear I don"t own stock
in the company but I am sold on it.

here is the website.



New member
Well, I thought this thing was ugly, till I just decided to start taking screws out at random to take it apart to clean it up :eek:

Dirt and powder was practically falling out on the floor. The guy that had it before me must have ran 10 cases of Wolf through and never cleaned.

It's looking pretty good now, though. Finish is worn in some places, it might become my DuraCoat experimental gun if I decide to keep it. I'm thinking about the rosewood finish on the metal.

And it looks like that FP10 is similiar to the CLP, same type of gun cleaner. I really like that stuff. I'll give some of this a try, hopefully it is less smelly than CLP


New member
And it looks like that FP10 is similiar to the CLP, same type of gun cleaner. I really like that stuff. I'll give some of this a try, hopefully it is less smelly than CLP

Very little smell, also use in barrel over time it improves accuracy on some
of my guns, I also think you will enjoy the carbine I know I never purchased
one this low priced before and have been very suprised with accuracy and


Well, they couldn't have their carbines looking better then their pistols now could they :D.

I have one in 9mm. Great plinker. Get the "evil" muzzle brake for it :D.


*PS, I've heard that they started to make hi-caps for the 9mm (hi-caps is the proper term since they were first produced during the ban so were limited to 10rds only), does anyone know where to order them?


New member
When browsing around for info on the gun, I did see a site advertising 15 round mags. Don't remember where, though.


New member

Yes, it is the Fugly-est firearm on the market, but it will go bang every single time.
Hi Point also offers an unlimited lifetime on EVERY one of their products, even if you bought it used.
If, on the RARE occasion, you need to send it for service, they will usually give a free magazine or two just for your trouble.
If nothing else, they excel at durability and customer service.

Mine's pretty durned accurate, too.

Here's there webpage for more info:


New member
Well, I got to shoot it today. It has suprising kick, for a 9mm, much more than I would have though, or remember from the MP5 I shot. Good enough for plinking, looks like a fun gun. A better range report to come when I am not shooting into the setting sun, and can't see my target :D


New member
I put about 3000 rounds of brownbear/wolf through mine before cleaning it, when I took it apart the entire weapon was gunked up, the action was very heavy because of the amount of dirt built up..

the first 3000 rounds went by without a failure. AT ALL!!

I cleaned it up, and I could notice the action being VERY smooth. Put another 2000 rounds through it without a failure..

Then I was shooting some silverbear hollow points and the mag catch stopped working, my mags were just falling out.

Contacted the gunshop, and had a new...FREE stock without question.


New member
15 round mags

The first hit on Google came back at http://www.ammoclip.com/Numbers/995__carbine.htm

They're also all over gunbroker.com. Like most auction sites I think if you're patient you can probably do better there then by buying online from retailers. I'm going to look around at the local gun show in a couple of weeks and see what I can find there as well.


New member
15 Round Mags

I got three 15 round mags through gunbroker.com. They are made by ProMag.
I had them out to the range yesterday and they wouldn't feed. All three didn't work. The first round wouldn't chamber when you cocked the bolt back. The 10 round factory mags worked fine. Anyone have similar problems or have ones that work. I called the place where I got them from and they said they have sold thousands and didn't have any problems. They said I could send them back for a replacement but thought I'd check with anyone that may have used the 15 round Promag magazines successfully.