I joined the GOA today.


New member
The GOA is a "sho nuff take no prisoners" gun rights organization. They don't compromise one bit.....and for that I truly respect em.;) ( im a member as well )


New member
Good to go........

That was the easy part. Congradulations! Now get involved with your local range and local politics. Ever think of running for a low office (school board member, councilman etc.) in your town? Get involved so that you know the pulse of your town and surrounding area. You will be the modern day Paul Revere! Take care and God bless....:D


New member
I got a free signed book & free passage to a gun show. I'm going to save up for the life member / free training offer.

I challenge you to take one person per month to the range who has never shot before... That will make a bigger difference than many $100s in donations.

JPFO, GOA member...


New member
Way to go!

If you haven't already, be sure to subscribe to their e-mail alerts. Its a great way to stay informed. The NRA site has a similar service.


New member
Thank you. We can't do it without you. You not only made a positive step toward protecting your own freedom, but you are protecting mine also; and I appreciate that.