I heard a knock at the door, it was ATF!


New member
While at home last night I had a knock on the door and a shout, 'Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms'! I thought this to be very strange because I live in Texas, but I am working in Indiana. 'How could they have found me here and what do they want?', I thought. I do not have a telephone in my name (corporate), none of my bills come to Indiana, none of my vehicles are registered here, my drivers license is from Texas, I do not have a bank here, nor do I have any utilities in my name (corporate), I am employed in Texas just working up here so all workmans comp and unemployment comp is paid to Texas. How did they find me without me getting a call first? So I opened the door and found out that it was actually a delivery!

APRIL FOOLS!!!!!!!!!! Sorry guys I had to do it today, 3/31, because I am leaving for Tulsa and won't be back on line until Sunday.

Did I getcha?

Mal H

Didn't fool me. It was obviously a hoax since you had much too much time to think before your door was opened from the top down.
But I did think you were going to say it was a friend playing a joke on you and that he is now out of the ICU and in stable condition.


New member
When I saw 'Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms'!
I jumped up and ran out the back door completely forgetting about that clothes line and it being dark and all.....

Well lets just say payback will be sweet.

"Lead, follow or get the HELL out of the way."

Paul Revere

New member

We weren't fooled. Everyone knows that F-Troop breaks your door down, then shoots your dog, then steps on your wife's dead foot, trips over your two dead kids, then yells "FREEZE!"...."CLEAR!"..."What did we come here for?"


New member
This is a strange coincidence. The exact same thing happened to me. When they yelled "alcohol, tobacco and firearms" at my hotel door, I said "absolutely, and lots of all of them".


New member
Alcohol, tobacco and firearms? Sounds like a good time to me.

Let me rephrase that. I’m not implying that I shoot guns while consuming alcohol.

[This message has been edited by jeffer (edited April 01, 2000).]

Don Gwinn

Staff Emeritus
Do you ever walk into a room and then completely forget what you came in for? Well, that's how BATF goes through life . . . .

Mal H

"Do you ever walk into a room and then completely forget what you came in for?"

Just about everyday. Two weeks ago I went to the basement for something. I yelled to my wife, "Hey, what the hell did I come down here for?" Big mistake. She didn't answer so I went back up only to find her ROTFLHAO. Now that's her favorite old-timers disease joke. From now on I guess I'll just load a few rounds of ammo while I'm down there and try to figure it out for myself.


New member
Yes they do knock. That is what the battering ram on the APC is for.
I did have the BATF stop by. "few months back" I think I asked "then asked harder" for ID at least 5 times. It actually wound up being a good visit. I asked him lots of questions. I doubt he saw the gun I had in my hand below the side of my truck. "He had been acting rather strange driving by (my) road"


New member
Destinesia...when you go to another room and forget what you went there for.

[This message has been edited by glennda (edited April 02, 2000).]