I Have Become an Ammo Factory


New member
Am I weird or what, it seems as of late that my urge to get to the Range, is more to bring home more brass to load!:confused:
Don't get me wrong, I love to shoot but (as a newbie) have come to really enjoy the reloading process as well.
This forum has taught me a lot. I never would have thought in the beginning, that I could tumble a finished load just to make it sparkle! In the beginning, I thought the whole thing would have blown "sky high".
Like anything I guess (including my golf "career"), you get over the "nervous nellie's", and it just get's better as you go on.
Thanks to those on this forum!


New member
Am I weird or what,
Yes, but then I guess we all are a little. I shoot mostly at an outdoor range. I bring a bucket with me and spend at least an hour picking up brass. I have even been known to take the bucket to the range after a match to pick up brass and not even bring a gun with me.:D

Mr Beta

New member
Guilty also. Well, I never go to the range without taking a firearm of some sort, but I definitely load up on brass when I'm there. It's not uncommon for me to come home with a couple, or three hundred brass, on top of my own empties.

Trapper L

New member
And soon you will be looking for the three pound coffee cans to put your brass in as anything smaller just won't do. Then you'll be building shelves for the three pound coffee cans. Then you'll run out of room for the shelves so now its cabinets to stuff them in. Now we are putting brass in ammo cans and sticking it in the corner. Yepper, you're on the road to being just as screwed up as the rest of us. Misery loves company and we all look forward to chatting with you.


New member

Man, thanks for the support! Me, I have a crap load of Folger's Coffee plastic
containers, small ones and BIG ones. They really do work great, RIP OFF the label, and go to it with my Black Felt Marker. I'm no getting into the "Once Fired", "Two Fired", and on and on.
Isn't this FUN?:cool:


New member

My profound condolences on your self diagnosis that you have the "disease". You are only in the beginning throws of it's rapture. It will get worse.

I predict that you will next develop a sense of “no embarrassment” when being caught going thru the garbage cans at the range.

I predict that you will next have uncontrollable anticipatory desires for finding brass and go into withdrawal as you speed recklessly to the range.

The final stage is when you are found in your darkened reloading room , a twisted grin on your face, eyes wide, wringing your hands, and deliriously rasping out the words “my precious” over and over.



New member
Did 750 this weekend

Cleaned up those piled of Brass! Used my Lee Classic on manual and powder funnel only to get it precise. 4.6 - 5.2 grains Tite Group/ Berry's 185 HBRN's . [ 23 bad ones out of 500] The final weigh in found four 8 grams or more over so I tossed them.[ My limit is 3.4 grains.] Phew! Now I start .223!


New member
Sams sells those big plastic jugs of pretzels that will hold about 1500 38 spl brass. I can hardly eat enough to stay ahead....................ck


The final stage is when you are found in your darkened reloading room , a twisted grin on your face, eyes wide, wringing your hands, and deliriously rasping out the words “my precious” over and over.

:D LMAO! Reloading is anywhere from 1/2 to 3/4ths of the overall fun of shooting!


New member
Brass, heck, I want a way to subtly sift their berms for the lead.

The brass is easy to come by, but with the price of cast bullets getting higher and higher, I've got more hulls than bullets in a couple of calibers.


New member
if this is catching then I have it too.

I either shoot so those damm bullets will get out of my brass so I can load them up again. or to have an excuse to go range low crawling for brass.

now if I could only figure out how to get my bullets back. :p


New member
"I never would have thought in the beginning, that I could tumble a finished load just to make it sparkle!"

I wouldn't do that if I were you. I read that tumbling loaded rounds can break down the powder and any coating it has, making burn rate unpredictable and maybe dangerous. At the least, it's probably not too conducive to accuracy.


New member

Valid point and concern. That very thought had crossed my mind, I just started doing this after reading others saying they do. One guy said, "what do you think the factories do"?
I'm going to start a thread on this very subject, and see what comes up!
But, you may very well be right!


New member
I always come home with more bass then I shoot.
My buddies just shake their heads. They have already paid their range fees and are waiting while I sweep up my stall and the one on either side of me.


New member
You are definately showing the signs of early addiction. Soon your symptons will advance to buying sets of dies you have no gun for and will eventually lead to scrounging used wheelweights as well as brass.


New member
I shoot at an indoor range and would be afraid to take their brass. I would think they would want it instead, am I wrong? Maybe I will ask...

Cpl Nobbs

New member
I get to blame my wife for my addiction. she got into Cowboy action and ya gotta keep em below 900/1000 FPS. we couldn't buy any localy. so I started to reload. then it was "well. if I'm reloading for .38. might as well get dies for 9mm" and it went from there.

I like the plastic shoe boxes. they stack better.

"I'm Cpl Nobbs and I'm a reloadaholic"....

Trapper L

New member
ShootingNut, it's not to late to get help. You can quit now and save yourself lots of grief. But, when you start picking up brass for cartridges you don't own- it's too late. But I'll tell you how I make it work for me. If I want a gun in a specific cartridge, I pick up brass for it and give it to my brother. We'll talk about the best gun for that cartridge and I get him all worked up over it and presto!. It's worked so many times that if I could be ashamed- I would be.