I have arrived


New member
Hey everyone, i'm a young gun at the age of 16 and found this site about a week ago when it was down and decided to join after it was brought back up. Took long enough to get the activation email though. :rolleyes: Anyways, i'm here now and hope to be an active member here. :D
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New member
Yup it's me. :D The cocky high school teenager who still uses pacifiers.:D LOL just kidding. I'm not cocky. ;)
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New member
Oooops, I just noticed everything here must be firearm related. Ok, i'll talk about the guns I shoot. The guns I use are:

Mossberg 500 (12 gauge)
Remington 700 (.338 ultramag)
Ruger 10/22 (.22LR)
Ruger Security Six (.357 magnum)
NAA MiniRevolver (.22 magnum)
Romainian Kalashnikov (7.62x39mm)

My dad also has a very cool Desert Eagle chambered in .357 magnum. Very fun gun to rapid fire with.


New member
Enjoy your time here and take advantage of it...i.e. listen to MOST of these guys! In most cases they've forgotten more than you or I will ever know. By the way is that 7.62 one of the originals or a remake?


New member
Oh, my AK is very original and has the scars to prove it. None the less shoots great and has never jamed once. I would take it over an AR-15 anyday of the week. :D