I Have an "Alvarized" Model 60


New member
I just came into possession of a few revolvers that were issued to my uncle during his policeman days. Two of them are Model 60s (1981, and 1982) that have been "Alvarized". For those of you wondering: once upon a time an officer in the department, named Alvarez, cocked his revolver into single action while handling a suspect and, well, the department removed the single action ability from all of its revolvers shortly thereafter; and for good reason. :rolleyes:

So I'm planning on making one of these guns my daily carry. The external hammer is still intact, it just won't lock back in single action. I'd like to have that option available, so how difficult would it be to return it to its original state? Is it as simple as swapping out a part, or will some fitting and such be required? Thanks folks!

Glenn Dee

New member
Hey Piano man

I've never heard that term before.. If I member right his A/D caused a bit of an uprising didnt it?

The NYPD tried the same thing. They spec'd a model 60 with a bobbed hammer and a DAO action. They didnt work out to well... and eventually they authorized the 640's.

That is an interesting term. and an equally interesting story behind it I'm sure.

lee n. field

New member
I'd like to have that option available, so how difficult would it be to return it to its original state? Is it as simple as swapping out a part, or will some fitting and such be required? Thanks folks!

New hammer, some fitting may be required, let a smith do it.


New member
Glenn, the incident caused the usual few days of "unrest". Dozens injured, millions in damages, yadda yadda.

I cracked one of the sideplates off and, while I'm not very familiar with the internals of these guns, I don't see a notch or anything on the hammer for the single action to engage. So I'm guessing just a new hammer should do the trick. Now to find a competent gunsmith around here...