I have a serious problem but don't think anyone here can help me!


New member
Picked up a new CZ 75B SS 9MM on Friday and today I'm already looking to buy another gun.;) Is there a known cure for this?:confused: Pills? :eek: Therapy?:barf: Wife doesn't seem to care (she wants to shoot them too)! :cool: What am I asking this bunch for, the disease is rampant here!:D ......................ck


New member
There is only 1 cure. You must ship all your guns to me for the tidy sum of $1. I will keep them safe....... from you. You will then go into rehab, where you will no longer want for any firearms.

Btw, how does your SS like CCI blazer (if you have shot any). Mine hates it.


New member
Only you know your own pocketbook Clay.

I have to justify my purchases to myself, but that is just me. Like limiting numbers of a certain type of gun, or caliber.

I like to shoot what I got, and really get into each gun. Most of the time, I hang onto something a little longer and iron the bugs out.

Sounds like you have alot of fun times ahead, and have a great girl to boot!!!!


New member
Btw, how does your SS like CCI blazer (if you have shot any). Mine hates it.

There's the worst part, I haven't even fired the CZ yet, and I'm already looking for another gun. Hopefully, tomorrow, if the weather holds......would have gone today but rain, rain, rain.......

Next gun.....I wanted a 1911 Springer 9mm SS also, but one can't be found, Springfield rep said another batch in 60-90 days. Also thinkng of looking for a 357/38, perhaps with 9mm cylinger, (ruger) revolver for scoping to shoot bench at distance. And another .45, Kimber high on the list, along with springer. Kinna like to keep the majority of my handguns to 9mm - for ammo price- and .45, reload 'em. Maybe that will kill off the buying urges, for now..................ck


New member
On the downside, you have an addiction. On the upside, your far from alone and it won't make you fat or your teeth fall out.:D


New member
The one thing that keeps me from being totally

depressed about this gun addiction is it is better than booze or crack.


New member
If it wasn't for all those unnecessary things like food, shelter, clothing, and such, I'd have some really nice guns.


New member
ditto what Cajun said....If I could get my wife to stop wasting all my money on stupid stuff like electricity, mortgage payments, clothes and food for the kid, I would be my local gunshop's favorite customer :D


New member
guns are a cheep addiction. unless your building a target gun or somthing completly off the wall custom the prices arnt all that bad. i only seem to buy a new gun every five years or so, (trying to change that) because my other addiction cost more and is more time consuming. like many know i like cars. the problem with muscle cars is somthing always breaks, and to correct this problem you have to spend more money and buy stronger parts that weigh less than the original. so i guess what im trying to say is it could be worse you could be spinding $5000 on a rearend for a car that only goes out every once in awile.
Gun collecting is an insideous hobby because the individual guns are relatively small and harmless appearing. But if unchecked, eventually you will have many guns. One warning sign is when you stop counting how many guns you have and start counting how many gun safes you have. Then, at some point you will need to move your guns and you will quickly realize what harm you have done to yourself. You will need to empty the safes and there will be guns piled everywhere. They will need to be carried and stored, you will fret over security and regret being born when you have to clean and oil them all for repacking in the safes following the move.

Next time you visit a medium sized gun shop just imagine having to take all the guns on display down and hand carry them to the moving van and find a way to transport them safely. Then you have to carry them into the new place and prepare them for storage once again. And while you're at it think about having to wheel the safes up and down stairs when moving (I have one with a dented corner where I dropped it going down cement steps into a basement). Hernia city! It's almost overwhelming.

Consider yourself warned.


New member
You'll know you have too many when you have to decide which one (s) to take to the range on a given day. When your former "favorite" pistol is relegated to the back of the safe, and doesn't see the light of day for months, then you've gone too far. When the BATF declares your house an arsenal, you might want to think about culling the herd.

Been there (everything but the arsenal part), got the credit card charges to prove it.

1. Avoid all gunshows (Mama says they're the devil)
2. Wear blinders when walking past the gun counters
3. Have yourself declared persona non grata at Gander Mountain, Cabelas, (insert your favorite mass market store here), etc
4. Have a support group of antis follow you to the gun store (they'll suck the life out of everything anyway)
5. Frequent only gunshop commandos who know less than you do. You'll be in such a hurry to get away, you won't have time to buy.
6. Find one pistol and commit to it. Become one with the gun. Permit no other safe queens from breaking the bond.
7. Stop frequenting these forums -- these gun nuts here have got me thinking about a Browning BDA and I don't even like 380s.
8. There is no hope -- how can you possible avoid the siren call of a new pistol -- see #4.

Now to check the prices on a BDA.



New member
You can never have too many! [OK, maybe Gixerman has too many] It's fun to have autoloaders and wheel guns; different calibers; different barrel lengths; different styles (i.e., 1911s): guns that meet different purposes (home defense, range, plinking, concealed carry).

Semi-seriously, it is good to get familiar with your most recent purchase before buying the next one. I've purchased a Kimber .45, a Sig P229 in .40S&W, a Ruger 22/45 and an HK P2000 9mm since December. (That doesn't count the three my wife bought. Thank the Lord you can only buy one a month in VA :barf: ) I shoot at least once a week, but still need to work with each. The Kimber is (of course) SA; the Sig DA/SA; and the HK has the LEM DAO trigger. I think I'll slow down buying 'till I'm totally familiar with each................ although I do want a 4" wheel gun for home defense ;)


New member

Now you have us all jealous. Everytime I bring home a new gun, I have to worry about having my wife shoot me with it. It not a matter of being able to afford it. Her problem is she is too concerned about things like savings and retirement (we're only 30). I know she is the practical one and I'm glad she makes me think twice before swiping once.

Now go feed your addiction and let us know if your wife has any sisters! :eek: :D