I have a new project, finally, thank you (input welcome)


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So I was going to wait until I got my new toy and could take some pictures before I started this, but the excitement is KILLING me. I have had some great gun project successes in the past... and, well, I've had some nasty failures. I think I'm going to make this a success, as I'm due one. Never mind the fact that between work and school I put in about 90 hours a week, so I don't really have time to do much with a new project. That's another topic though.

So my yugo mauser (24/47 type) should be here tomorrow or the next day. I can't wait for my cosmoline-covered goody:). The task I have for this rifle? Well, there seems to be an abundance of stupid cheap surplus 8mm ammo. I haven't set a high bar. I just want the rifle to hold surplus ammo to 2moa, nice new european (PRVI, S&B, etc.) down to 1 moa (all with iron sights). That's not asking too much is it? Everything will be kept original, however I will probably bed the action and work on the trigger some. I may inlet the stock to float the barrel... though I've heard more often than not most of the old milsurps like barrel pressure. I'll probably try a steady constant barrel pressure first. I don't know what to expect concerning the smoothness of the action... most other mausers seem to be hit or miss. I may do a light polish job on the bolt, and I may lap the bolt lugs. I may hit in on a few other items as needed, but I want the rifle to be kept stock (even though there never will be any real collectors value on these). I was going to go with a M/N, but they seem to be a crap shoot concerning bore condition. Most of the 24/47s were never issued, if I understand correctly.

My question is... has anyone had any experience with the 24/47s or M48s (not the same thing, but for all intents and purposes they ARE pretty close)? What type of surplus worked best for you? What was the expected accuracy out of the crate? Are the stocks varnished, or are they ready to accept some tung oil after most of the cosmo is sweated out? Can you tell I'm giddy as hell. I'll take some nice pictures if I decide to do anything to it... probably take some pictures of the de-cosmo process. Just because I'm giddy as hell :D


New member
The 24/47 is not the same as te M48 for sure. The 24/47 is a Muaser 98 large ring action, the M48 is more often designated a medium ring action, not large or small. There is pretty much everything available to upgrade the 24/47 to shoot beter, but very hard finding things for the M48 action that doesn't have to be altered. My sons have one each. The M48 seems to be about the same as the 24/47 with surplus ammo. Off a bench, I'd say they are capable of 4" groups or better. I don't have a vise type benchrest to try them in, but easily 4" or less, but we didn't notice any difference in accuracy between the two. These two examples have very nice bores on them, muzzle crowns look good. That will be the real problem for you....getting one with a good bore and muzzle. If you do, you should do quite well, as for under 2 MOA....maybe?


New member
That will be the real problem for you....getting one with a good bore and muzzle.

From everything I've read, the 24/47s were basically re-arsenaled, dipped in cosmo, and crated. Almost everyone has reported a good bore (and now I am). The bore on my rifle looks amazing.

IDK, I've read of other people achieving 2moa with surplus ammo with these rifles but that may be on the better end. Or some ammo may be better than others? At any rate, I have a new toy and I can't way to play with it tomorrow.

Thanks for the input/411

BTW, I took some pictures but getting them on my PC poses a problem at the moment. They're coming though, I promise.

the rifleer

New member
I doubt you'll get 1 moa out of it. 3 MOA was the standard for a german k98 i believe. You could probably manage 2'' with good ammo. Very few military surplus rifles can shoot a 1'' group with any ammo.


New member
I doubt you'll get 1 moa out of it. 3 MOA was the standard for a german k98 i believe. You could probably manage 2'' with good ammo. Very few military surplus rifles can shoot a 1'' group with any ammo.

You may be quiet right. I'm just in the mind-set that bolt action = accuracy these days. Part of that is military induced... and part of it is with little ol' me being able to piece together a .5moa rifle by myself. I have to keep in mind that we're talking about a rifle that was originally built 87 years ago, re-arsenaled 62 years ago, and the ammo was loaded 30 something years ago. The later 2 were done to yugoslavian standards, never really renowned for their awesome firearms craftsmanship. IDK, it is what it is. I have a few tricks that MAY help though. Or far that matter they could possibly hurt. We'll see, I guess.


New member
here is mine after i refinished it. I wish I had some before pictures because it was an awesome difference.




New member
Bolt action + good barrel + solid bedding = accuracy.

Military bolt guns obviously have the first attribute, *may* have the second, but rarely if ever have the third. The stock to barrel relationship and fitment always seems to be to the detriment of accuracy in these rifles.


New member
Bolt action + good barrel + solid bedding = accuracy.

Military bolt guns obviously have the first attribute, *may* have the second, but rarely if ever have the third. The stock to barrel relationship and fitment always seems to be to the detriment of accuracy in these rifles.

Those were the very tricks I was referring to, CS. I'm not afraid to remove a little material from the channel of the stock and bed the action if it will make it more accurate. The bore is in outstanding condition. Obviously I can't speak with authority on the headspace and chamber condition yet. If it comes down to it, though, I *can* solve that but it's a big project for me as I have to beg, borrow, and steal (not really steal, but you know what I mean) the equipment to do it with.

here is mine after i refinished it. I wish I had some before pictures because it was an awesome difference.

LDJ, it looks like you did a nice job with that rifle. I'd rock it :D. I just took some pics of mine. It's not refinished, so I'll be able to contrast in this thread later (once I figure out how to load the pics from an ancient digi camera with no cable to my computer). I was going to take pictures of the de-cosmoline process, but I got too antsy and impatient. I *promise* I will take pics of the "solid bedding" process if I deem it necessary.
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I got to play with my toy today. I don't think 1 moa with good ammo and a little work will be a problem. As soon as I re-learn how to shoot a blade and post iron sight, that is:eek:


New member
I ordered an aftermarket trigger for it from midway, but I think I'm going to return the trigger. I played with the one that's on it and it feels MUCH better. I cut a couple of coils off of the spring, polished the sear, filed a touch of metal from the top of the sear to shorten the 2nd stage of trigger pull, and greased all metal to metal surfaces. It's still no timney trigger but it feels SO much better that I think I can live with it as is now.

I haven't had the opportunity to shoot for accuracy for real, but I did get a couple of 1.5" groups @ 75 yards with romanian surplus. Of course, there were a couple of 3" groups thrown in there but I'm still getting used to the rifle (and irons, again). All of my "range" sessions lately are rather impromptu and the shooting conditions have been poor. I can shoot behind my house, but to reach out to 100 yards is threading a needle between trees and brush. The lighting is poor, and I can barely make out the target. Really much closer to "real" shooting conditions anyway, but I want to see what I can do in an open field, with plenty of light, and a target with a contrasting bull. I want to see how well it shoots in those conditions before I start playing with "accurizing" much.