I Have A Condition....

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I have something of a "disease", no before you guys all jump in and say its fine and that you suffer from it as well I must say, I have a rather serious case of it. Its called S.F.A.A, or Sever firearms Afinity Affliction-EVERY NIGHT I have to open the safe and take a few rifles off the rack, clean them even though I did it the night before and re-oil them, the wood stocked ones (all of me collection) get a special treatment of murphy's lemon wood oil( I am a wood freak)-this is not EVERY night, as murphy oil is pricey:eek:
If I dont at least open the safe and check everything I cannot go to sleep.
I know I am a freak-take me to the knobb Creak asylum, I will live peacfully there and not bother one of you.
This is sick and almost perverse, but its like the guys who drool and shine there cars EVERY NIGHT-Whaaaaat, I have MY reasons to:eek: :rolleyes: :D


New member
I too have a condition not like yours and not as savere. I start shaking and if i havent been target shooting in a while. its been 2 days 3 hours 27 min. and 12 seconds since I last fired a shot. smoking a red helps but sometimes it gets to bad and off to the my cusins house I go.


New member
I do not suffer from this affliction, but rather I enjoy it. It seems to have spread to all of my freinds though, leading me to be labled a carrier of the disease, rather than just a victim.
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