I got my revolver back!!!


New member
Five years ago, I went out and purchased my first handgun, a Ruger Blackhawk in .357 mag. I had spent months debating what I wanted, either a semi-auto, or a single action revolver, and the revolver eventually won out. It took me months to finally save up for it, but in the end, it was mine.

Three years ago, I put the pistol in it's locked case, and put it in my truck on my way to work, planning on hitting the shooting range on my way home. I piled all the debris in the back of my truck on top of it so that it wouldn't be seen. That night, my my truck was broken into, and I lost 200 CDs, a backpack full of camping/survival gear, and my beloved handgun, that I had worked so hard to purchase. The Police told me I would never see it again, that if it was ever recovered, it would be after a shooting, and it would be destroyed.

Two years ago I recieved a phone call from an FBI agent in California, they had raided a gang house, and found my pistol. Even better, it hadn't been used in a crime. I was promised that eventually, probably later that year, I would recieve it back. I was told the fact that it was a single action revolver probably prevented the criminals from using it.

After all of this waiting, 2 years of the badguy appealing the search, all of the trials of the other bangers, he finally pled guilty, and the path was cleared for me to recieve my handgun back.

Today, finally, I was reunited with my Blackhawk, nicknamed back when I got it as O'le Rose.

I can't tell you how excited I am to finally have the my first handgun back where it belongs, in my hand.

Even better, it is still in great condition!!! They even left the silica gel packets in the case. The case is pretty beat up, you can see where they tried to saw through it.

Now I must go back to fondling my revolver.


Paul B.

New member
You're very lucky. A friend (?) "borrowed my Colt Scout single action .22 revolver without my knowledge. He and his brother used it to rob a liquor store in San Francisco. They killed the store owner. After they were caught, i tried to get my gun back, by the great Communist regime of the People's Republik of Kommifornia decided that that dangerous weapon must be destroyed. :mad:
It was only a few years ago that I was able to find a replacement for that little jewel that was in as nice a condition as mine was. I took it to the range, fired a ten shot group with it, lovinly cleaned it and it sits in an honored place in my gun safe.
The guys that did the killing? They claimed the gun went off accidently, got ten years and were out in five. :eek: :mad: :barf:
That was about the time I moved from kommiefornia for good, never to return.
Paul B.


New member
Te Anua,

It was returned to me by the FBI. After they no longer needed it as evidence, they sent it up to the field office in Portland, and from there an Agent called me up and arranged to drop it off with my at work.

I figured I would tell everyone about it, cuz you just don't hear of this ever happening.



New member
Itgoesboom you lucky dog!!!

About 10-12 years ago my Dad got a similar phone call from the Los Angeles P.D. He was told that they had recovered his 2" Colt Python, and would be reunited with it after the case closed.
Well about a year later the detective in charge called him again and this time told him his gun was resting some miles from the coast, somewhere in the pacific! :rolleyes:

The gun had never been used in the comission of a crime, it had been recovered after a domestic violence dispute between a couple.

Do'nt you just love L.A.P.Ds. policies!!!

You Lucky Dog!!


New member
itgoesboom . . .

Recognizing Blackhawks are "built like tanks", what shape was it in upon return? Thanks.


New member

It looks good. Actually, looks like it did the day it was stolen. Like I said, they even left the desicant packs in the case.

I was initially going to have a smith check it out, just in case, but the FBI test fired it on 2 seperate occasions (prior to calling me, and just before sending it up to my local office), so I know that it atleast fires.

After recieving it, I have checked it out, and it looks good, everything is locking up tight, so I think it is going to be ok.



New member
That is great, Im glad you got it back in good shape. And im glad they found it before someone got shot with it.