I got it!!!


New member
:) my last post about this was that I had passed my gun board...

well, the call came... I ACTUALLY have the concealed carry permit... it is issued!

now, I got my smitty 5904 9MM strapped on, and it feels DAMNED good!!!

I HOPE I never need to use it, but if I do, it feels good to know it'll be there for me!

wow, after years of wanting one, it is FINALLY a reality! :D :) :D


New member

Although I hate to congratulate you for having to have asked permission from the state, I am glad that you have your permit now and can exercise this priviledge. Carry well, safely, and above all, make the rest of us proud of you!


New member

Thanks... and I WILL carry safe... that is a BIG thing to me... the gun is there for MY safety, but at the same time, it needs to be kept safe for those around me.

and I WILL carry well, and safe!


New member
May you never use it. If forced to use it, may you use it well.

Your primary weapon, offensive or defensive, is inside your head.


El Rojo

New member
I love the comfort.

I really enjoy the feeling of comfort as I sit at my table at In N Out and watch the other people eat their burgers. I sit with my back to the wall by a side door with a clear view of the cash registers. It feels great to know should an armed robber enter the store, I am not helpless. I have the means to defend myself. It feels good to realize that not a single other person in the store would even think I was carrying a weapon. They eat in innocent bliss, not thinking about the unthinkable. I eat my Double Double with conent knowing I am empowered. Just wait, you will get the feeling too. Nothing brings comfort like having a handgun in your wasteband as you move about in public, knowing you have the means to defend yourself and others. You don't want it to happen, but you are prepared. It makes me wonder how people can live any other way.


New member
Hemi, Congrats on the ccw. I had a general unrestricted in Michigan for many, many years. The new permit took away some of my rights. We need to lobby for changes to the law that will allow cc anywhere in Michigan. If you are law abiding and not crazy or a criminal, what is to fear? Seek out a gun club and begin to put on the pressure.
PS. I bought the first Barracuda to show up in Grand Rapids back in late 64 or early 65, can't remember the timing for sure (ahem, age you know)
It was a powder blue beauty with a 272 V8 and a Hurst 4 speed. I think ford came out with the mustang, was it a 63 1/2? and the Barracuda followed shortly thereafter, so it must have been a 64? Jeez, I don't remember for sure. Highland Chrysler Plymouth had it on the showroom floor and I told em to wrap it up and deliver it that day.
It was my first new car, I was a rookie cop, got my badge in August of 64; so it could have been late 64 that I got it. The only drag race I lost against a stock vehicle was vs one of my LEO buddies that piloted a Harley police bike, on his GRPD Harley. Lots of fond memories.


New member
Grampster... My father said the same thing about the "rights" he lost...

I couldn't agree more! I'm with ya'll about changing the law...

and yes, late 64 was the first Barracuda, as a 65 model... (I LOVE 'Cudas)

Mine is a '70 model, built on April 29th... (and I was built on April 29th too)

my car and I were brought into this world at the same time, and less then 10 miles apart!

I think I'll keep the 'Cuda intil I die... afterall, we share alot of history... (I got it in '84, when I was 14, and had it since... rebuilt/restored her all by myself too)

mike killian

New member

CONGTATULATIONS!!!! I am waiting for mine also. I live in Wayne county and turned my paperwork in on Oct. 31 at the City County Bldg. so I am anticipating a wait. How long did it take for you??

Good Luck and practice often.:) :D


New member
Mike... Itook the class this spring, and had everything ready...

I turned in my paperwork on Ogemaw county... (I'm in Detroit weekdays, but keep my address atmy place up north) on the 8th of september... (3 days BEFORE the attack...)

I was called in to appear before the board on the 1st of november... (gun board meets on the FIRST thursday of every month)

I would have made October's meeting, but my FBI background check wasn't back yet... (it came back on the monday following the Oct. meeting... )

so, all told, from turn in of paperwork, to permit issued, was just shy of 2 monthes...

Mr. Blue

New member
Congrats on being among the finest citizens in the country. I can remember what if felt like when I got my LTC after simply wanting one for ten years. When it came with no restrictions I was elated.

Please, if you haven't, take a detailed safety course. Also read a book by Massad Ayoob called "In The Gravest Extreme" before you go out into the "wilds" with your new handgun.

Good luck and again, you have prooven - like man of us in restrictive states - that you are among the finest squeakiest cleanest Americans out there.


New member
I know it's late, but congrats. I take my class for TX CHL on the 17th, along with my bride. Hopefully, around xmas, the license will arrive and I can feel better about her riding through Houston with a little extra insurance.

I know I'll feel better.

I, like you, hope I never have to punch the primer on any of those Hydra shoks in the carry gun!



New member
2 months? What's the big deal then? Here in New York State (Monroe County) it took 5 months 27 days for my permit to arrive, and as long as your record is clean you'll get an unrestricted permit................ What does Michigan do that makes it so horrible that 2 months is a bad thing?




New member
I'm in Detroit on weekdays...(work) (why I want a permit)

and West Branch on weekends... (home,and I refuse to give upmy piece of heaven, since I grew up there...)

to think,at 18, all I wanted was out of that small town, and 10 years later, at 28, when I finally got a job down here, all I want is back there...)

e-mail ia hemicuda1970@hotmail.com feel free to contact me anytime!


New member
Jason, I live in Brooks Twp, Newaygo County, smack dab in the middle of several lakes, the Muskegon River (the 2nd best trout stream in the US of A) and the bottom end of the Manistee National Forest. I spent many years hunting small game and deer in Barry County, around Gun Lake. Some awsome wilderness in the middle of civilization down by you in the State Forest. Probably loaded with people by now, though.