I got a guy at work worrying me


New member
about him building a rifle. Where is the best place to find a barreled action? Mauser, Remington, ect. Not looking for a $1000 match rig.
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New member
for a tinkerer garage mechanic type. Savage action is the best. no special tools to barrel the action except a go-no go gauge for the head spacing and a way to tighten the barrel nut as not to mark it up.

Savage actions


New member
Howa sells barreled actions. I have never shot a Howa but I hear great things. The website lists them around $389-525 depending on finish and diameter. Plenty left over for a good stock and scope.
I'm curious as to why

your friend thinks he knows how to build a rifle? If he doesn't even know where to find an appropriate action?

Don't get me wrong, I don't know, either. I'm just saying.

I'm not trying to put him down, or be critical, but he must have some kind of rifle building expertise that we don't see in your initial post.

Or maybe that's none of our business, as long as he is satisfied that he knows what he is doing.

I'm just curious - no big deal, I suppose.
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New member
Major Dave, thanks to Al Gore's internet, anyone can be an expert at anything overnight. Kind of like sleeping at a Holiday Inn Express.....

They lurk on these boards for a day or two and just become a wealth of mis-information.

Smokey Joe

New member
Rifle build...

Crimson Dave--He wants to build a rifle as a "starter"? As a learning project? As a hunting-but-not-target-accuracy piece once it's done? Hey, we all have to start somewhere! And it certainly will keep him out of mischief for a while.

Gee whiz--That's easy! He should get a milsurp--I'd go with a Mauser for quality and a Yugo M-48 for the bent bolt handle, if possible--but NOT one that has historical significance. Then he starts by removing the stock and other non-essentials, and gets busy building his rifle.

A milsurp won't cost an arm and a leg, they're built like the proverbial brick pizzeria, and for most of them, things like sporter stocks, Timney triggers, scout 'scope mounts, etc, etc, are readily available.

Shotgun News usually has ads for milsurps; he could start looking, there.

Tell him good luck, and we want a progress report, with pictures!

ETA--My report on my project is here: www.thehighroad.org/showthread.php?t=433568&highlight=Sorta-bubba'd

P. S. Major Dave--I didn't "know anything" about building a rifle when I began my project, either. It was a great learning experience.
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Don't lift a finger to help.

Not really friendly, but the intent is to get him to find out for himself. Whatever you tell him, he'll here something else later and you will be the target of his disillusionment.

Too many wannabes jump into something with too little knowledge and too many expectations. Just ask the guys dropping vortex heads on their old 350 blocks only to discover that, NO, they AREN'T all the same. They didn't science out the tricks and tips - and the buddy who said it was easy is full of it.

It really is a minefield of information out there. I've got to ask, if they want to build a rifle, do they even own one? Shoot frequently? Have mechanical skills at least up to the challenge of changing their own waterpump?

Can they discover on the net, right now, the difference between 6.5 Grendel and .264 LBC? Is it a short range tactical combat round?

No sense setting him up for failure if the skills and perseverance aren't already there.


New member
Wait a minute, boys. He's asking about a BARRELED ACTION. He's not building a rifle. A barreled action is suppossed to be fireable...ie a rifle without a stock.

There is a guy here in the area who builds custom stocks and he want's to have one built. He's not trying to build a whole rifle. Midway used to have some, but I can't find any on their site anymore. I figure you need an FFL anyway.


New member
The OP mentioned a Mauser barreled action...

Samco currently has Swedish M96 or M38 6.5x55 barreled actions and Yugo M24/47 or M48 8mm barreled actions. Neither is the vaunted big-ring 1898 action; the Swedes have the slightly weaker 1896 action and the Yugos have an oddball hybrid that's been described as a "mid-ring" action, but it incorporates most of the features of the 1898 action.


The company also has Spanish M1916 short rifles on backorder for super cheap, and they've been rechambered in 7.62x51mm NATO (not .308Win as advertised), but these rifles use the less desirable 1893 small-ring action without the 3rd "safety" locking lug and the extra gas ports, so I'd choose a Swede or a Yugo over one of these.


New member
I just went to gunbroker.com and searched for "barreled action"

There were plenty of milsurps as well as Howa 1500's.



New member
Barreled action + stock + scope(if necessary) = rifle

Got to read the question before you answer. The way you guys were answering would be more fun though.