I Got A Good Trade Today


New member
Early this morning, as he does every other Monday, my lawn guy came by to work around the house so I went out to see him and to offer him a cup of coffee. He and I talk for few minutes every time he comes so I have gotten to know him a little and I like the guy. His English is not that great and my Spanish is not great either but we manage to communicate pretty well.

He had told me in past that he and his wife sometimes works picking up/cleaning mall parking lots at night but that it was in “bad” part of town. He had told me that he didn’t like the work because he was afraid of getting hurt but it paid well. Well, this morning he said he and his wife went to a gun shop few days ago and purchased a small handgun at cheap price to keep in the car when cleaning parking lots. I got curious and asked him if I can see it. Well, few minutes later he came back from his car with a little box with a handgun in it. It was one of those Davis 2 shot derringer in 22lr. He said he paid total of $90 for it. After showing me the gun and a box of ammo he got for it he went back to work and I jumped in the shower.

I thought about it for few minutes and decided that that derringer was not going to help this guy if something did happen. I thought a little more and decided trade him one of my guns for his. Few months ago I got a S&W 380 Sigma from a acquaintance for free and I had kept it in my truck as “just in case” gun. I figured that Sigma had to be better than that derringer.

On my way out to work I went and retrieved the Sigma from my truck along with a box of Remington JHP ammo and a gun bag I had for it and went over to the lawn guy. I told him that I would trade my Sigma for his derringer gun-for-gun and that I would take him and his wife shooting with his pistol on Saturday afternoon if he would agree. Needless to say he agreed to the deal and agreed to go shooting on Saturday.

Now I have this POS Davis derringer which I don’t know what to do with… but I feel I got a good trade.

Bill Adair

New member

You done good! :D

Hope your friends meet the legal requirements for concealed firearms in your state. It would be a pity to see them suffer, for something they may not know is a problem.



New member
Good stuff. Hopefully he will never have to use it, but if he does I'm sure he will consider it the trade of a lifetime. Kudos...



You did the right thing. It seems like the people that NEED a good gun are the people that can least afford one...


New member
I posted this earlier today but it seems to have disappeared.

Yes, he purchased the derringer legally. He is a legal US resident and has a resident card, SS card, etc. and pays taxes. The receipt for the derringer showed his name, address, serial number for the derringer which match the gun, etc. I got the original receipt.

I gave him a zippered pouch with the pistol so he can legally keep the gun loaded in his car (glove compartment, center consol, etc.). According to my state's law you do not need a CCW to keep a loaded gun in your car as long as the gun is not immediately accessable. Keeping it in a holster or gun pouch meets this requirement.

This saturday I'll show him and his wife some basic safety procedure, shooting and local laws.


New member

Yeah you are absolutely correct.

My first real self-defense gun was a Jenning pistol in 22lr that I paid about $65. I knew it was not the ideal pistol for my purpose but I figured it would work better than the bat I had in the room. This was back in early 80's when I was attending university. I live pretty close to school so I wouldn't have to drive all the time (rent was real cheap) since gas cost money and it was close to my work too but it was in really bad part of town. Place was full of drunks, street walkers, drug dealers, etc. I lived on Craft mac and cheese (you can make it without milk or butter) and eggs for about 3 weeks after buying that pistol because I didn't have any money for food after paying for the Jenning. To this day I hate mac and cheese and eggs.


New member
taco, you replied to my earlier post which also disappeared.

Very well done!

Kudos to you, and I'm very proud of you! :D

Johnny Guest

Moderator in Memoriam
Good for you, taco.

Ninety dollars?!!?
Do you know anything about the shop that originally sold him the Davis .22 derringer? Sounds like they really took advantage of the man, 'cause around here, that type pistol normally goes for well under fifty bucks. I bought one in .32 a couple of years ago for thirty, and was glad to get that value back on a trade.

This is not in any way critical of your pal, for trying to defend himself as best he could. It just ticks me off when those least able to afford some stuff are ripped off by profiteers. You see the same thing in certain food stores. Sometimes, people who must rely on public transportation or walking to a nearby store are charged significantly higher prices than shoppers in "nicer" areas of the city, who have private cars.:mad:

I DO believe in free enterprise, but I really hate to see less fortunate, hard working folk victimized. And yes, I do appreciate the increased overhead for businesses operating in high crime areas.

Sorry--Just a little grumpy this morning, I guess.:( It'll be better after lunch.


Brian D.

New member
Johnny Guest:

Know what you mean about the price on this pistol. Keep in mind tho, some shops have a markup that is say, 15% or $60, whichever is HIGHER. Really stings ya on the "econo" guns. Taco, you done good, keep it up! How does "St. Taco, patron saint of self defense" sound?:D