I get a really nice 1911, very pleased with it...


New member
But, I still don't do as tight of groups as I do with my simple Glock 19?:confused:

I am not joking when I am saying that at 15 yards or so, I can do quarter and sometimes dime sized groups with the Glock 19, not even the Glock 17 haha and not with any other gun.

I get near the same groupings with the Sig P226, always just slightly less tight and I get no where near the same groupings with my new 1911.

Can anyone let me know what is the issue with being able to maximize a gun that is known for combat grade accuracy and not being able to maximize ones known for pinpoint accuracy?


New member
you said your 1911 is new, perhaps you are not used to it yet, and it may need a 'shoot in period' before it settles down.
1911's are known to be a little finickey


New member
I've always thought that a certain gun just feels better to one person than does another. I think a person will shoot better with what feels better, no matter if the other gun is a match grade, all the bells and whistles.

It's all about what you like, I think. If you used the Springfield more and got used to it, it would probably out-perform the Glock. That's just a guess, though.


500 rounds first and call us back.

You might have an action job done, first. Usually 1911's are WAY more accurate then glocks, due to the 1911 having much better triggers.
