I Found This A Bit Amusing


New member
I don't buy gun rags anymore, but I'll look at the covers as I walk by the racks and will sometimes see something interesting. The other day I noticed this on the cover and chuckled a bit. I wonder how many "eyes" checked out the cover before going to press.



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Paul B.

New member
If you're talking about the S&W M36, that's for the article on the Air Force guns. What gaffe? I will agree Gun World is in my not very humble opinion a pretty lousy gun rag being almost totally infomercials of mostly new guns but that little S&W was not a mistake.
Paul B.


New member
Doing one's homework !!!

You might want to check the chambering on the LC9 series.
Well, I have to admit that when they first came out, a gun buddy asked me what I thought or them. Not wanting to sound uninformed, I responded; LC9, I think it's okay if you want a .380.
Whatever !!! ... :rolleyes:

Be Safe !!!


New member
Well I suppose, if one wanted to be a pedantic twit, one could say

"Well you see, on the Continent, the .380 is referred to as either the Nine by 17 or the Nine millimeter Browning."

And then go on about advantages of the metric system, why Yanks seem to need a hand cannon, and why commie ball, err soccer, is a superior sport to football.

However, having read Gun World a few times in the past due to a dearth of anything better, it's obviously a lack of editorial oversight.


New member
I haven't read nor am I likely to but maybe it is two different articles within the magazine. The use of 2 colors and location of the print suggest so, or at least to me it does.

Maybe someone who has the magazine would let us know.

Have a great Christmas and New Year!
On the Gun World Facebook page someone asked them "If they could spot the error on their cover?" on December 19th. Answering comments: "Yes" No explanation.


New member
Gun World Cover

I thought it interesting that the firearm was not "safed". It appears that the safety is off? Red dot in that area.


New member
Technically speaking, there is a high probability that a .380 round will fire out of the LC9. I mean there might be a slight chance of injury, but I'm just saying that 9x17 out of a 9x19 should be close enough. Right? :D
5whiskey said:
Technically speaking, there is a high probability that a .380 round will fire out of the LC9. I mean there might be a slight chance of injury, but I'm just saying that 9x17 out of a 9x19 should be close enough. Right?
Yep. I've done it, using 1911s chambered in both 9mm Luger and .38 Super. As long as the .380 case can headspace on the extractor, it'll work. Doesn't work well -- the .380 case diameter is slightly smaller than either of the other to, so there's a lot of blowby and the brass gets bulged sufficiently that I wouldn't even consider trying to resize and reload it.