I found the possum! Peeeeeee-yuu.

Napoleon Solo

New member
If you read this thread...


You know I had a run-in with a 50-toothed marsupiod butt-ugly waddling "bullet sponge" (AKA Possum) in my garage just before Thanksgiving. Well, neither did I miss the mark nor did the applicationg of Army Surplus .22 Hardball vaporize the critter.

I got my cue from the delectable scent of ripe "Aux de' Possum" and began searching in earnest. I found him not 2 feet from where I'd shot him -- on a narrow built in shelf behind my garage shelves. I couldn't see him behind a couple of detergent jars. Motivated by my newfound aural sensitivities, I moved a few boxes and presto! there he was. Maggot infested and all. Curled up to die almost directly behind and below the place I saw him last (through the 4x scope on my CZ452. I scooted his ugly butt into a cardboard box with a garden hoe and disposed of him unceremoniously.

My Harley's custom leather seat has been made safe for Democracy once more! And with a little Lemon-Fresh ammonia, the garage is once again mine alone.

And hanging by stout chains above the threshold for the backyard door stands a stern warning to all rodents, vermin and scavenging ugly bullet-sponge ne'er-do-wells of all shape, manner and form:

"Abandon Hope All Ye Possums Who Enter Here"

Oh yeah, he was good & ripe. Whew!


New member
Maggotts. No, you let them pupate and turn into flies. Should turn into nice shiny blue flies. Try whacking them with your CZ:D


New member
"Alas, poor Possum! I knew him well..."

"Something is rotten in the state of California!"

"Nothing in this life became him so well as the leaving of it."

(With apologies to the Bard of Avon! :D )


New member
Here in the "city," I deploy my fully automatic, black possum seekers: Rottweilers. Two of them. The nicest and friendliest dogs in the neighborhood--esp. to possums. Which they "play" with, literally to death. It's OK when the kill is close to trash day, but if it's right after... You know how it is. :)


New member
I had no idea that those things could scream. Had one killed by another critter outside the Fashionable Bachelor Pad few years ago. Thought it was a kid!:eek:


New member
I also know for a fact they they do not "play" dead. Either the dang thing is or it isn't.

Found that out the hard way one night in an outside washroom.:eek:

Now perhaps Northern Possums do that silly trick, but the ones down here in Florida get pretty peeved when cornered.!

Good Shooting


New member
Never had much fear of possums...

Matter of fact, had several as pets when I was a kid in the Wisconsin woods. They used to swing from my hands by their tails. I got them really young, maybe that's why they were so tame. They grow meaner in San Francisco, I guess. Probably pissed off at Feinstein, that'd sour my disposition, too. ;)

Jim March

New member
The worst smell I ever encountered was a result of something dying in our garage when I was a kid, but it weren't no possum, it had a lot more legs!

See, my dad had small boats, and we'd go way the heck out into the deep blue (California, Pacific Coast). We came in one day and found a huge, 30-or-so tentacled starfish stuck to the bottom of the boat. It was BIG, at least a foot across.

So we tossed it in a corner, where (unbenownst to us) it slowly crawled into some cardboard boxes.

About a year later(!) we cleaned out the garage, and decided to deal with all these flattened boxes. And HOW did we decide to do that?

Wait for it:

We burned 'em in the living room fireplace.


So I can assure you all, the worst stink I've ever encountered is broiled year-dead starfish!

(Took two days and a lot of scrubbing to air out the house. Mom was PISSED!)


New member
A few years back, we bought a turkey on sale sometime during the summer. Bob only knows why...

Anywho, it thawed out in the fridge, and then we determined that it really wasn't gonna fit too well in the smoker, and that nobody really liked turkey anyway, etc., so it was chunked in the dumpster.

Unfortunately it was July or August, and the trash had been picked up that morning. After several days, we saw a police car by the dumpster - someone had called in a "dead body" smell call.

Vladimir Berkov

New member
Yeah, but at least it wasn't a real dead body. They found one in a ditch near my dad's office by the smell. It was really far gone, with no head. And I don't think they ever figured out who it was or why he was dead.


New member
Came back from 2 weeks vacation once to find one of my family's sheep dead (and very bloated) in the barn. After 2 weeks in July in Virginia, it was, shall we say, less than fun to dispose of. I almost lost it when I was dragging it into the wheelbarrow and the abdomen ruptured.

Did I mention that I don't like sheep? Dead things are fine. Dead ripe things are without a doubt, the most disgusting thing I can imagine.

Jesse H

New member
This has got to be the worst thread to be reading on your lunch break. T-rex, your post put it over the top for me.




New member

This happened to me once. I now have two new policies:

1. The day before trash day is always the best huntin' time.

2. ALWAYS police up the area the next day in bright daylight. They curl up in the hidiest places when they are hurt.