I finally did it


New member
Well, I was at the gun show today, and was able to haggle my way down to $1100 out the door on a brand new hard chromed Desert Eagle .50. I also picked up 2 boxes of speer gold dots for 17 bucks a pop.

So any advice on care and cleaning? How do I keep that hard chrome shiny? Anything I should do before my first trip to the range?

Also, I want a holster. I'm not sure why, but I do. I'd consider using the gun for tactical competition (just for fun, I know), and want one of those holsters that straps to your leg. Any suggestions?

7th Fleet

New member
Not disresepecting your choice in handguns, but what purpose do you forsee for this huge, pistol? Just curious???



Staff Alumnus
I bought one several months ago and sold it soon after. It'd make a great hog hunting gun but since I'm several states away from pig hunt'n, having a big, bulky, not very accurate conversation piece was not worth the investment.

Best of luck to ya... I'm just sharing my experiences.

Here's a pic of mine.


  • bigboom.jpg
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New member
hmmm... hog hunting is pretty big here in Florida. I would like to try one out, sometime. I still want to take my Vepr II hog hunting though and see what 7.62x39mm will do to a hog. According to many people on the internet 7.62x39mm will only leave tiny holes, whereas .223 cal would blow a hog in half. I imagine that a Desert Eagle would come in someplace between the two. Let us know.



The only drawback I see is the large grip, but for some people, it has to fit like a glove. I do desire one some day, just to have. :)


New member
I think that only happens when round hits in the leg, then travels up the bone, up the spine, and down the other leg before exiting... while tumbling :) :)


New member
When shooting your .50 from the bench for the first time, single load it. A fellow here in SC shot himself in the head last year with the second shot from a 50AE when the recoil torqued the gun around in his hand. Who knows how tightly he was holding the piece? He isn't talking, as he is dead as a hammer.


New member
Well, I shot a DE 50 once before. A buddy was nice enough to let me put two rounds through his. I can handle the recoil. It's the muzzle blast that surprised me. But I appreciate the advice, Clemson, and I will be careful.

Anyway, regarding what I "need" the Desert Eagle for, the answer is that "need" had nothing to do with it. I just wanted it. I don't have to justify that. As for proposed uses, if I have a rotten day at the office and I need some stress relief, what better therapy is there than putting half-inch bullets through a paper target?

Finally, I'm down here in South Florida (Miami). The only hog hunting I've seen is bikers at the Harley Davidson store! Where is this hog hunting done?


New member

I read somewhere at this site:


Do NOT use WD-40 on a plated DE. It'll etch the metal (staining it). I can't remember how the DE was plated , but I think it was brushed chrome. Dunno why someone would use WD-40 instead of Breakfree...


New member
A year or so back when I shot a rental DE .50 it jammed every other round:(
A few weeks back I was at the same range and saw the same thing happen again with that rental. I don't know if it was the same exact gun or not, I'll ask next time.


New member
Glock236, it could be because range guns hardly ever get cleaned. I am no expert on the DE, but rental guns take all kinds of abuse. That is the objection I have to people who say rent a bunch of guns before you buy, to see which you like.

I've rented revolvers that would not eject, Kimbers that would not group and had triggers that were slow to reset, etc. Rental guns get cleaned only if the workers must.