I finally (after 9 months) got my NYC permit


New member
Last monday I finaaly got my NYC Target Handgun permit. It took only 9 (long) months to get. My birthday is today and this is about the best present that I could get. The pemit gives you one "puchase order" (this is the paperwork that allows you to get a handgun). The po is good for 30 days,a nd you need to buy a gun to finalize the permit. For additional handguns you need to submit the paperwork to receive a new purchase order (which is suppossed to be a 90 day approval process). One interesting note, my target permit came with an ammendment that allows me to cayy the gun loaded while hunting, as long as I have a valid NYS hunting permit.

The gun that I purchased is a (please don't yell at me) S&W 625 mountain Gun in .45ACP.
My choice came down to a Blackhawk and this gun, and I really started to like the looks of this one this one. Ever since I 1st got involed in shooting about 6 years ago, I always like the idea of the 625. I finally decided to get the MG, and then S&W had to make that stupid announancement. since I reaaly wanted the MG I was not going to let S&W screw it up for me. I picked it up the day after I got my permit. Besides, I figure that this gun was made prior to their announcement. I really was planning on getting a 625 at some point, so I figured a pre-announancement gun would be better than a post-announancement one.

On Wed I took my gun to have it "inspected" by the NYPD (they NYPD issues NYC permits). They look it over (it guess to make the s/n's match the paperwork) and they make sure you have a triggerlock and a locking container to transport the gun. They then add the gun to your permit and everything is finalized (hooray). It is an interesting experience walking into One Police Plaza with a handgun.

On Friday and Sunday I went the an outdoor rage to try it out. For me I did pretty good, at 7 yards I could get most of the shhots in the 10 ring on the 5.5" shhot-n-c targets. I'm still getting used to the recoil of the .45 and after shooting a bit my hand would get sore. I'm planning on changeing the houge monogip on the gun soon. I got a pair of padding gloves over the weekend and they help alot. I had alot of fun shooting. I've put about 340 rounds through the gun so far. The moonclips can be a pain. I bought the de-mooner tool from Dillon, but it broke after a little while on Friday. I did all of my shooting yesterday without the moonclips, and there was no problem getting the spent cases out of the cylinder.

My saga with the NYPD will now continue since I'm going there today to begin the process for the next purchase order.

Chris Nemeth
A happy handgun owner


New member
Congrats on successfully negotiating the hoops and red tape. My brother-in-law wants to get a CCW for NYC. Not I'll be able to give him an idea of how long it should take. Do you know if 9 months is typical?


New member
I beleive that 9 months is typical, although I've been told that the permit should be approved in 6 months by law. A CCW pemit is very difficult to get in NYC. You have to show a strong need to get one. Last year many CCW permit holders that had the permit for decades found out the the city would not renew the permits. I do not beleive that the city gave any reason why they were not renewed.

chris Nemeth


New member
It will be virtually impossible for your brother in-law to get a CCW. The only people I’ve heard of who have recently been able to get such permits have been some people I know who work uptown in the Diamond district. I've heard of some people with political influence getting them also but if your just a normal joe on the street, forget it. Self-defense is not a good enough reason, they think people carrying cash or valuables in the 6 to 7 figure range are the only ones worth giving a permit to. The only example I can think of where self-defense was the only reason for issuing a permit was in a case where a well-known NY radio personality was receiving death threats and was able to prove it. They gave him a permit for self-defense.
I wish your brother in-law luck but it's going to be an almost impossible thing to get.

My dad was one of the people you’re talking about. He originally got his permit sometime in the mid 70's since he carried a lot of checks and cash deposits for his work. He really stopped carrying by the mid 80's but had the gun in his office particularly after there were two instances where one of his managers had fired some schmuck who then came back and assaulted the manager who fired him. In one case the guy fired actualy killed the manager whom he had a beef with right on the factory floor. Last year he tried to renew his permit and was told no way. I guess he didn't know enough politicians or make the right contributions to the right people to keep his permit. Thats my Pop, the "instant felon".


"Molon Labe"- Leonidas to Xerxes at Thermopile

[This message has been edited by Mordwyn.45 (edited March 27, 2000).]

Ala Dan

Member in memoriam
Happy Birthday Chris; seems like you got a big present from New York City.

Best Wishes,
Ala Dan, N.R.A. Life Member

Covert Mission

New member
Of course, if some have their way, it will take all of us in the whole country 9 months to get permission to exercise our 2nd amendment rights. That's if we get it at all. I don't think you should be happy you finally got it, but outraged that it was necessary and took so long. my 2 cents.


New member
Wow! I can't believe where some parts of the country have gotten. And "the right to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed" !?!? I think all of the stuff I read here about PRK(ali), PRNY, PRNJ, etc., ad nauseum constitutes some pretty serious infringement. That whirring sound you hear is the Founding Fathers spinning in their graves.

I promise to join two more gun groups by the end of April! Like GOA and JPFO.



New member
Said brother-in-law is in the TV production biz. He needs one to be able to get and handle prop-guns for TV shows.

Do you think he's got a prayer, or should I tell him he hasn't got a snowball's chance?


New member

The city has some "restricted carry" permis that allow you to carry a gun for work (such as security guards). You can only use then when working. I beleive that he would stand a beter chance of getting a restricted carry permit


Ronin 99

New member
cnemeth,congrats on getting your permit.
What a pain in the butt,huh? Chipperman,
not much chance of your brother-in law
getting a ccw in NYC. Chris' idea about a
restricted permit(security) might be
doable but I believe you have to take an
8 hr security guard class and a 47 hr
firearms course to apply. You don't have
to be employed as security to apply but
it's a six month wait for approval and in
order to carry I believe you have to
actually be employed as security. This is
all second hand info but you can check
any gun club in NYC to verify.




New member
Cnemeth. Ain't NY grand. Now I don't feel so bad, it only took me six months to get my permit here in Suffolk County. Did they check your prostate too?

Don't feel bad about the 625, it is a pre sellout gun and you are forgiven for buying it. I bought one last year, great gun, but the moon clips are a pain. Haven't tried to fire it without clips yet.

The only way to get a ccw permit in NYC is to have influence. The rich and famous get them all the time, the great unwashed are not permitted the privilege. A friend lost his permit because he had to defend himself a couple of years ago, wasted some goblin who deserved it, but has been in trouble since.

NYC has more guns on the street than anywhere else, go figure.

Geoff Ross

One reason to vote in the next Presidential election.

It's the Supreme Court, Stupid!

[This message has been edited by K80Geoff (edited March 29, 2000).]