I feel so macho!


New member
I just found out that my Walther P 22 plinker is banned in CA as an "assault weapon". How thrilling! Don't you agree?


Oh, the humanity!!!!!

Maybe you can put a collapisible stock, flash supressor 30rd. magazine and a 4-12x night vision scope on it. Then people would drop dead from the sheer horror of just looking at it - who knows how many you could kill with it then! :eek: :eek: :eek:

I'm scared half to death from just thinking about what it would look like...

I gotta get one of my own - one of my goals in life is to acquire as many "assault weapons" as possible... :D :D :D


New member
Well, I can't get the Mark II, Browning Buckmark, Beretta Neo, Cheeah .22 - so I guess my state really can't be much better, right?


New member
What were they thinking in CA

Maybe we should get California banned in theother 49 states :D

Not only are they banning .22's now but the other idiotic reg's soon to take effect. Serial Numbers on ammo :barf: Who dreamed that up? Unique marks on fired ammo made by gun? Wow, another winner!

Seems like everytime I see the word California, it is attached to some announcement of an unbelievably stupid regulation or requirement.

That state will never fall into the sea due to an earthquake, it will just sink under the weight of its' regulations. :eek:


New member
assault weapom?

Are you sure that the reason it is no allowed in CA is because it is an assault weapon?
Perhaps it is just because it is not on the California approved handgun list.
This might be due to many factors, including it did not pass the drop test, it was not submitted to the drop test, or it passed or did not pass and the manufacturer did not want to bother to pay the LISTING fee for that particualr model.
Each particular model must be listed.
What makes you think that the assault weapon definition was the reason?

there is a Walther P22 CA version on the list. Not sure of the difference, but probaly only difference is the ten round mag.


Some of the P22's came with threaded barrels. Those are the ones that are illegal in CA. The ones without are CA compliant (IIRC).

The same with any of the approved guns, lets take the FN Hi-Power for instance. You can get aftermarket threaded barrels for them but in CA you can't have or put into your pistol. Same with 10+ mags, they are out there but in CA you can't have them (unless they were grandfathered in).



New member
wHAT lack of common sense. To ban a .22 caliber pistol. Sheesh, Name ONE just One person of importance that was killed by a .22 caliber bullet. Or a "assault weapon" for that matter.

That sicko BTK killer shot one of his victims in the head with a .22 and the guy ended up running out the front door. Some one should protect the politician from themselves with a nationwide californian gag order. SHUT UP ALREADY CALIFORNIA, SMOKE MORE POT YOU HIPPIES!
i hate california


New member

the p22 isnt illegal in california and its not an assult weapon. us californians arent THAT stupid . . . . but then again i did move out of state.


New member
It was in the NRA magazine. The threaded barrel is the culprit. The 4,000 subjects of the People's Republic who bought that repugnant assault weapon received a letter from the state giving them 45 days to modify it or face legal charges.
Why, after all, I could spend $350 for the silencer, $200 for a federal stamp, wait six months for paperwork. Then I would be able to use my $250 pistol to shoot pigeons in the back yard. Can't think of many other things to use it for.
Never underestimate Gollyvornia, as Ahnold would say. :D

Wyo Cowboy

New member
Well, this is the same state which had determined that Pepper Spray was a firearm. I used to see the warning sign at the Orange County Airport security before 9/11.


New member
Maybe you can put a collapisible stock, flash supressor 30rd. magazine and a 4-12x night vision scope on it. Then people would drop dead from the sheer horror of just looking at it - who knows how many you could kill with it then!

Wow, that would be just an insanely dangerous rig. Jus think of all the squirels you could pop with that thing!! :eek: :rolleyes: :D


New member
Name ONE just One person of importance that was killed by a .22 caliber bullet

Um....Robert Kennedy?

Ronald Reagan was nearly killed, and one of his men was killed, in the attempt on his life, and don't forget what happened to Brady that day too.


New member
Just because the .22 was used for evil purposes doesn't make target guns everywhere evil. People have been killed regularly with baseball bats and don't forget the thing you drive in everyday. Anyone who thinks a car isn't a deadly weapon should speak to one of the parents at MADD, or anyone that lost a loved one due to excessive speed or being asleep at the wheel. Remember the dentist in Texas that ran over her husband....twice? :eek:

Like most gun bans, it's based on stupidity. Kind of like we can get the inox brig in my state but the blue is much too dangerous.... :rolleyes: The Walther P22 and now the Mark III are the only handguns we can get in here - thankfully, we can get the long guns with less hassle but in the Commonwealth, anything can change in a minute. Just ask the folks that bought a Glock a short while back.


New member
Really ronald reagon and brady were shot with a .22 Huh? I didnt know that. However it brings up the point of importance. I guess it would be a matter of prospective.
Brady brought about the brady bill, thanks a lot
Reagan, as previous mentioned hes from California.
Kennedy, Democrat and a sleezy Kennedy.

Taste be darned, thats my .02 take it or leave it.