I Feel Bad for Mr. Pearl but

Jamie Young

New member
I read how he got himself into the mess.

Pearl was abducted after arranging to interview the leader of a radical Muslim faction with purported ties to the al-Qaida terrorist network and terror suspect Richard C. Reid, arrested in December on a Paris-Miami flight he allegedly boarded with explosives in his shoes.

It was the loss of a Human Life, but these idiots that are out there looking for the "Big Story", and trying to be the one to "Interview Osama in his Secret Hiding Place" deserve what ever they get.


New member
All the news organizations keep saying that the gov. has made it know that he is dead, but have produced no evidence. I don't doubt them, but it seems awfully fishy.... Wouldn't the group that had him want to scare the most people as possible? Why would they send a tape c/o the US gov?

Jamie Young

New member
Wouldn't the group that had him want to scare the most people as possible?

You would think that but.................. Your Smarter than the Average Taliban. Or actually I think it was a Pakastani based group.
No job is not without his risks and dear ole Pearl just couldn't resist going after the story. Well, now he's the story and his family isn't all too happy about it. Should have bought himself a lot of life insurance. It won't bring him back, but it would cover the loss revenue.

Blue Jays

New member
Not one to defend the fifth column...

Good Evening Everyone-

Keep one thing in mind here: Compared to all of the other leftist rags out there, The Wall Street Journal (WSJ) gives us a pretty accurate account of what is going on in the world.

It's really only WSJ and The Christian Science Monitor for proper reporting without sensationalism.

For all we know, Daniel Pearl was going to promptly report the nature of his findings to appropriate parties within the U.S. Gov't. Let's cut the guy a little bit of slack, he had his throat slit and/or brains blown out on videotape fer Gawdsakes.


~ Blue Jays ~
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Jamie Young

New member
How would you have viewed a Reporter in 1943 on getting the Inside story on Concentration Camps from Adolf Eichmann?

I really don't want to watch a TV News Interview with People we are fighting against. Why don't they sneak Guns inside the Cameras when they interview these people?


New member
You wanna hear some idiocy?

Pearl's family said in their statement that ``up until a few hours ago we were confident that Danny would return safely, for we believed no human being would be capable of harming such a gentle soul.''

Are you kidding me? Where the he** has the Pearl family been? They thought that an organization that rountinely beat and tortured women for no good reason, that thrives on terror and intimidation, that murdered over 3000 people in the largest terrorist incident in history would not harm their son because "we believed no human being would be capable of harming such a gentle soul". Arrggh! I truly feel for the family, but this kind of willful naivete allowed the WTC attacks to occur in the first place. Its the old Rodney King philosophy - "can't we all just get along?"


New member
Maybe the journalists can use Pearl's murder as a jump-start to reality and start packing.

- Gabe


New member
How would you have viewed a Reporter in 1943 on getting the Inside story on Concentration Camps from Adolf Eichmann?
With horror and rage. It would have helped to convince those who were "friendly neutral" to the German regime just what they were dealing with and would have re-doubled the resolve of the Allies to accept nothing but an unconditional surrender.

There probably would be fewer Holocaust deniers today, perhaps, too.

I don't have a problem with journalists pursuing their stories so long as they are objective about their subjects.

Let us not forget this man Pearl's dedication to his job and his role as a reporter - he died in pursuing it - which is much more than I can say for hang-around-Malibu-and-Manhattan-Dinner-Parties type journalists.


Jamie Young

New member
There is a time and place for Journalism but what we've seen in the last 15yrs in this country is a bunch of people that think they are Neutral Party's when it comes to war. He found out the hard way.


New member
Me telling news reporter: "You see that den of rattle snakes over there? It is deadly, do not go over there.
Next day, newspaper headlines "Reporter bitten to death by rattlesnakes".

Some people just can not get a clue!


New member
Me telling news reporter: "You see that den of rattle snakes over there? It is deadly, do not go over there.
Next day, newspaper headlines "Reporter bitten to death by rattlesnakes".

Some people just can not get a clue!
Ah, but without people who study and report about rattlesnakes, we wouldn't really know much about them or how to deal with their poison, would we?



Journalist checklist for Terrorist Interview:

1. Pencils. (check)

2. Paper. (check)

3. Cell phone. (check)

4. Camera. (check)

5. Tape recorder. (check)

6. Bodyguards with massive firepower. (Nah, they won't want to hurt me. )

7. Four hideout guns (Waist, back, ankle, deep crotch). (see number six).


New member

This will test the integrity of the international press corps....

Will they NOW begin to tell the absolute and unvarnished truth about terrorism, oppressive regimes, dictatorships, etc.....or will they continue to place western civilization (note that operative term centers on root word "civil") as the great evil?

Most, if not all of the major news organizations around the world have editors, staffers and reporters who were trained by major journalist schools in the USA and have received what we can only hope is training in journalistic ethics.....

We'll find out I guess.:barf:


New member
..deserve what ever they get.


I had to go back and double-check that I had actually read that.

Pearl took risks, yes. But to insinuate that he deserved to have his throat cut (as CBS radio was reporting this morning) is, IMO, way, way outta bounds.

On the other hand, I can't envision a strong enough punishment for the psychotic pigs who did this to him.
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I think the point is, that if you willingly walk into the lion's den, you can reasonably expect the lion to view you as lunch. Therefore, either refrain from teasing the lion, or be able to avoid being lunch.

The curious lack of respect for the possibility that one can become part of the story, rather than a reporter of it, is the issue. I grant that Mr. Pearl was just doing his job. He did not deserve his fate. But, like the journalist's/reporters who were killed in Afghanistan, he had to have been aware that there was some risk involved.

I'll be the first one to say that life without risk is a boring deal, but prudence would dictate that one take some precautions. Maybe Pearl did take precautions, and these were negated, somehow. I don't know. But if my boss wanted me to interview some fanatical nitwit with no compunctions regarding the 'sanctity of human life', I woulkd either be allowed to at least attempt to protect myself, or I would find another boss.

But that's just me.


New member
It was the loss of a Human Life, but these idiots that are out there looking for the "Big Story", and trying to be the one to "Interview Osama in his Secret Hiding Place" deserve what ever they get.

I'm not sure they "deserve whatever they get", but they surely are responsible for their own actions and must assume the risk associated with their actions. If you jump into a pit of fire, no one is gonna have much sympathy when you cry that you were burned (except the liberal dummycrats, who will compensate you and then outlaw burning pits.....)

I don't think this was a newsworthy event. Had a media personality not been involved, you most likely wouldn't have heard of it. Private American citizens are kidnapped around the world on a regular basis. How many can you remember hearing about?


New member

I had the same reaction when I heard that naive statement on Fox. Pearl would still be alive if he had paid attention to the following two quotes:

One of the common failings among honorable people is a failure to appreciate how thoroughly dishonorable some other people can be, and how dangerous it is to trust them. Thomas Sowell

There is no safety for honest men but by believing all possible evil of evil men. Edmund Burke



New member
I agree with your comments on journalism in WWII, Skorenzy (imagine that! :eek: ).

That aside, though, Mr. Pearl does NOT get high marks for common sense. I haven't been following this very closely, so I just learned a few days ago that he's Jewish. I knew then that he had a snowflake's chance of living much longer.

How hard is it to figure out? Let's see, you are a reporter for an American newspaper. Uh, that means you are hated and viewed as an evil oppressor. You are also Jewish. And you go undergound to interview Islamic terrorists while American troops are hunting them down like wild pigs.

