I don't need no teenage queen, I just want my M14!


New member
Hybrid mix of retro & modern.

Winchester kit on a Poly Tech receiver with a TRW bolt
in a Blackfeather RS with the new MBSA, and Magpul SGA.


SR420, I admit an overwhelming flood of jealousy related to all your M14 builds. I'm not sure how many rifles you own v. how many of the builds are stocks and parts switched around, but an enviable collection either way(both physical property and experience gained).

All the same, one of these days you are going to swallow that lump and switch to AR-10s :) Heck, with that one you already moved to an AR stock and enough rails to run a train on.


New member
johnwilliamson062 SR420, I admit an overwhelming flood of jealousy related to all your M14 builds. I'm not sure how many rifles you own v. how many of the builds are stocks and parts switched around, but an enviable collection either way(both physical property and experience gained).

All the same, one of these days you are going to swallow that lump and switch to AR-10s Heck, with that one you already moved to an AR stock and enough rails to run a train on.

It's a little of both, John. I owned about a dozen of them at one time, the number has been distilled down to three with an assortment of stocks.

I also owned a nice Armalite AR10 carbine (pictured), the original medium heavy 20" upper that was free floated is not pictured. It was nice enough, but not for me - I sold it to fund another M14 build :)


  • 11.15.2006.jpg
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New member
I haven't seen any "bubba'ed up" M14s or M1As in this thread... have you?

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Those not so shiny places on the stock are from him shooting it so much, that's his grip & cheek weld points of contact. He's right handed.


New member
johnwilliamson062 That I am not envious of at all.

I am not at all envious of Gun owning Americans living in states like California.
The MBSA enables Californian's to benefit from a modern chassis system with less hassle.


New member
That's a very interesting rifle - the build just screams for a black and white stormtrooper build with the Empire logo where the American flag is set in. Sorry, the geek comes out sometimes.


New member
Different materials, textures, angles, and lighting throw off colors.
It's not perfect, but it's way better than an FDE SCAR.


I would like to see a black and white stormtrooper build with the Empire logo where the American flag is set in. :cool:



Gaawd, man, ... my back is killing me just looking at these pics. :eek:

Can't image how I'd carry that thing anywhere but from the trunk to the shooting bench. :rolleyes: