I don't know what's in store for gun owners

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I just wanted to know how some of you all felt about this new assault weapons ban? I don't like it 1 bit personally, things just ain't the same no more:mad:

wild cat mccane

New member
In before the lock.
1st. If the AWB caused democrats to lose in the 90's...why do right wingers fear it would happen again.
2nd. The NRA lies. A lot. Research what they say. They favored someone who did ban LOTS of guns to someone who has never banned any gun. Example 2: Australia. Example 3: lots of "bans" that had zero chance of passing committee. All languish into nothing world. All bills either in state or federal levels are alive in some very wrong theory, but if it isn't immediately picked up, it is in fact a dead bill. Don't be fooled. This process is simple US government knowledge.

3rd. the world isn't worse off. In fact, crime is significantly down in the US from 10, 20, and 30 years ago. Don't be silly.


New member
To fully understand why we will NOT have another AWB...Read Bill Clinton's book My Life. In it he regrets his AWB because first it had no effect on crime and second the he thinks the NRA distracted him, by taking over the senate, from what he really cares about.

Funny how all the fear about the AWB is coming from the people SELLING guns or from the NRA who just spend millions of NRA members money only to lose an election.


I just wanted to know how some of you all felt about this new assault weapons ban?
Same way I feel about unicorns and flying pigs. None of them exist so it's hard to have strong feelings either way.

Furthermore, when and if a assault weapons ban is actually proposed and under consideration, the proper place to post about it will be in the Law and Civil Rights subforum of TFL.
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