I don't know, I'll ask - Gun shows and state waiting periods


New member
Someone recently asked me how gun shows can sell their items to someone else when there is a waiting period. As my state doesn't require this, I've never considered the question.

But the question has stuck in my mind.
Now how can I continue to sound like a "near" know it all?


Many states do not require waiting periods. Here in Iowa you have to apply for a "permit to purchase" and it is good for a year. As far as other states go, it was explained to me that there is an exception for gun shows, i.e. the "gun show loop-hole". I would also like to hear a more definitive explanation.

It does strike me as odd that the antis would complain about the "loop-hole" because the waiting period supposedly makes people "calm down" and "think about it". But gun shows only happen between 12 and 18 days out of 365 where I live. So if a five day waiting period(or whatever) is good enough, why is waiting up to two months for the gun show to roll around not good enough?:confused: The antis logic(oxymoron if there ever was one) makes my head hurt.


New member
Because only those states which ignore the Second amendment impose a waiting period.

The 2Aa does not say that "the right of the people to keep and bear shall not be infringed for more than ten days or so..." :rolleyes:


New member
I don't do gun show to much , as the entry fee is more then I wish to endure. I think some gun show sales fall under Personal sales and don't require the back ground check needed by FFL dealers.


New member
Some gun show sales are treated as private citizen to private citizen sale. Just as if you were buying a gun from your next door neighbor.

Unscrupulous people have been known to take advantage of this.


New member
The few I've been to here in Southern Illinois arrange for a local dealer to handle the transfers that don't go through during the time of the show. If I buy a long gun on the first day (usually a Sat.), I can pick it up the second day (24 hour wait). If it's a handgun, I will have to go to the local dealer (72 hours) and pick it up after time passes.


New member
Man you guys need to move to Pennsylvania, get your CCW,and you will only wait while the sales person makes a phone call,PIC, (Pa. instant Check),and for him or her to ring up your purchase on the cash register. Same for gun shows,only private sales you dont need a background check,except for handguns! To keep it legal!


New member
If Florida, if you have a CCL you can walk with the firearm the same day you buy it.

Some counties have no waiting period either way (with or without CCL).

In some counties if you do not have a CCL you will either face 3 day or 5 day waiting periods.

If you are trading a firearm for another firearm there is no waiting period.

At gun shows, the same rules apply. If you do not have a CCL and if you are buying from an FFL you will need to pick up the firearm at the shop in three business days. If you do have a CCL you can walk off with the firearm.

There is no "Gun show loophole". This is a term used by the uneducated. Since private owners are also located at the shows (non-FFl). There is no requirement of a waiting period for private sales.


New member
waiting period

My understanding is that under the Brady Bill, states with laws more stringent than the Brady bill can use their waiting periods. But federal gun laws require states with less stringent restrictions to use the five-day waiting period and background check required under the Brady bill.

Some states allow CWP (or CCL, or whatever) holders to bypass the waiting period. That is the case in the state of Washington, for instance, but that is not done in all states.

As far as the "gun show loophole", there is no such thing. At most gun shows there are dealers and private sellers. Both must follow all laws and regulations regarding firearms sales. Dealers have to fill out the paperwork, private sellers/buyers do not (in most states).


New member
One correction on Beretta's post
There is no waiting period for long guns in Florida only handguns

When I sale at gun shows I do so as a private seller so there is no waiting period from me
But in Orange county I have to do a background check
Which means I pretty much can only sell to cops and CCW holders


New member
One correction on Beretta's post
There is no waiting period for long guns in Florida only handguns

Depends on the county.

Which is why I put this in my post.
"Some counties have no waiting period either way (with or without CCL)."


New member
waiting periods

"Some counties have no waiting period either way (with or without CCL)."

You appear to be saying that some counties have no waiting period for handgun purchases. If bought from a dealer, I believe that a minimum five day waiting period is mandatory under Brady.


New member
Oh ok, then you're right. A person without their CCL cannot walk off without a handgun at time of purchase from an FFL. It would have to be a private deal or a trade.


New member
Thanks for the link, i was looking for it.

6. Any individual who has been threatened or whose family has been threatened with death or bodily injury, provided the individual may lawfully possess a firearm and provided such threat has been duly reported to local law enforcement.


New member
I never had any luck getting a dealer to honor this section

2. Individuals who already lawfully own another firearm and who show a sales receipt for another firearm; who are known to own another firearm through a prior purchase from the retail establishment; or who have another firearm for trade-in;


New member
The gun shows I go to don't have any "dealers" , just private citizens. No waiting period, no paperwork.:D


New member
First....the waiting period on either Handguns or Long guns is

specific to a state... NOT FEDERAL. The federal waiting period for handguns has passed.....

How do I know this? Because there is NO waiting period on either in S.C. as well as a number of other states.

Background checks are the same.... it your state has very stringent requirements for a CWP then the background check is also waved.

As for the original question... it depends on what state the gun show is in... but that is the key at least in S.C with gun shows... at these shows if you buy from an individual.... you give that person the cash and take the gun. If you buy from a gun store at the show it is no different than buying from them at their store..... paper work and background check if you don't have a CWP