I don't believe it HA HAAAAAAA!!!!!

Jamie Young

New member
I can't believe My first issue of S.W.A.T magazine is Mini 14 vs AR:D Did you do this for Me Denny???????

I am very happy with the Format you have. And your taste in Advertising.

I'm also very pleased with how Down to Earth your articles are. Your not overly Scientific, or nod to the Highly Sophisticated gadgets.

I am personally surprised you think the Mini 14 sights were quicker than the AR. I am starting to get use to the feel of the AR and I find the Iron Sights to be superior to most of the Semi Auto's out there. Stomping on

I just can't get away from this topic can I ?

Guess that's why its a good topic for S.W.A.T Magazine.

Jamie Young

New member
March 2002
Just got it today!

He even made the suggestion to Stomp on a USA mag to fix it. The proper way:)

I think I might post one more time on Mini 14's, then I'm retiring, and handing the fight over to someone else.

Too bad nobody bashes FAL's :cool: I have nothing to stand up for anymore. Maybe I'll buy an AR so I can get in on that debate:)

Denny Hansen

Staff Emeritus
Glad you liked it. Note, however, that I personally find the Mini's sights only a little faster at very close range for precision shots due to the high sight/boreline that the AR has. At further than say, 10 yards, there is no difference. There was a great pic of the flattened USA magazine, but it had to be cut for space.

Last edited:

Jamie Young

New member
Just make sure you bury the thing where nobody will find it. That way some poor guy doesn't find it and try and use it.:eek:

Point Blank

New member
I finally recieved my SWAT mag today!!! Man...you should have seen me beating a path for the "shack" when i seen the cover!!:p Very impressive Denny,etc!!! A true 5 star review,i am absolutley speechless...VERY well done, VERY well written, VERY well EVERYTHING!!!!! I thourghly enjoyed both the 5 star pictures,and the 5 star article. Ol' Flint deserves a big round of applause also,thanks!! I also laughed my @@@ off reading on how the proper method of "repairing" a faulty mag!! :p .The handful of good ol' Arizona's dirt used to lubricate also made me bout bust a clot!!!! Incredible.....i have not read the rest of magazine yet,but i am sure i will totally enjoy it as always!! My hats off to you...very nice work!! Now.....if i could only get that darn mailman of mine to subscribe so i would get MY issue a few days earlier!!!:p . Those of you that are not subscribers to this fantasic mag, i urge you to subscribe....you dont know what you are missing!!!,or at least call around and find a place that carries SWAT mag and go get this issue, especially if the Mini 14 or AR15 tweaks your interest...Sorry to babble,what a natural rush (the only kind in my book) the article brought me!!!!

Denny Hansen

Staff Emeritus
Point Blank-
Glad to hear you liked it. For those who have not followed this forum too closely, the idea for the head-to-head test against the Mini-14 and the AR-15 came from Point Blank way back on Sept. 5. This is exactly the kind of input we want--in other words, what do our readers want.

If it's practical and realistic (no house-clearing exercises with a Barrett .50:)) we'll do our best to give you a straight-up report.



New member
If you really want a hot potato to handle, do an AR vs. AK evaluation. There's something sure to raise the fur on a few backs.

Jamie Young

New member
I personally want to investigate USA Magazines and find out if the Democrats are running that company. I don't know how a company can stay in business when 80% of their products are defective. I would seriously like to get inside that company and see what kind of tooling they have. They flood the market with defective products so our guns Jam up. I had 4 USA mags and had to do all kinds of stuff to them to get them to work. They all use to throw live rounds out of the gun. Pretty freakin scary if ya ask me:eek:

Kirk Keller

New member

I was going to make some comments and ask some questions, but the blinding light of comprehension struck me and thus prevented me from making a fool of myself...

In other words, common sense rose up and struck down the DUH factor before I made a fool of myself.



New member
thre is one good thing about USA magazines

consider them a reservation at the preban magazine table

if replacement parts become availabe to replace defective mag bodies,
you could buy a new USGI body, drop in a wolf spring and a green follower

and keep the USA floor plate

you were just fixing a defective magazine

Jamie Young

New member
I started a Post about two years ago on USA Mags. HOW CAN THAT COMPANY STAY IN BUSINESS??????????????????????

I'd pay $20 more for USA mags if they worked. You would think someone for "Reputations sake" would just do a little QC.


New member
And the AR vs Mini winner is.....

Soooo ... which one won overall in the SWAT magazine head-to-head? The AR or the Mini???

Denny Hansen

Staff Emeritus
No clear cut winner as a lot of elements were considered: initial cost, cost of replacement parts/magazines, ergonomics, etc. My son bought himself a Mini after participating in the evaluation. As for myself, I'll be sticking with the AR. When all is said and done, it still comes down to plain old personal preference.
