I didn't buy it, maybe you should?


New member
So let's say you were in the market for a particular gun. It's not currently made in the caliber you seek, so you know full well that you'll find it used when you find it.

Let's say you go in to a gun shop, and you have plenty of cash in hand that you've already earmarked for the purchase of this gun. And it just so happens that they have one, in great condition, and it's got a decent price on it.

Why wouldn't you buy it?

Well, I was bummed. I grew up in Michigan and bought my first 5 or so guns there. But I can't buy a handgun from a gun store in Michigan because I'm an Ohio resident now. I suppose I could purchase it and have it shipped to an FFL at home, but that would kill the decent price because I'd have to foot the bill for shipping from Michigan and receiving on the Ohio FFL's end.

For the curious, it was a nice Ruger Blackhawk in .30 Carbine for $369. :( Maybe you want it... it's at Guns Galore in Fenton. I can't buy it.

Ahh, it's not the worst thing in the world. It's not all that hard to find... I'll get one.


New member
You would spend a minimum of another what $40 or so. My FFL here charges $25 for the transfer plus whatever it cost to ship. FFL to FFL can go USPS for about $15 or so.

At $410, it's still not a bad price.


New member
if possible have mich. resident purchase and then sell to you

No, this a violation of federal law. Remember that question where it asks if you are the true purchaser?

Keep in mind that the cost of the transfer fee may be offset by the sales tax you don't have to pay. Check with the dealer in Michigan but I don't think they will charge the tax.


New member
I think it would be worth the troble to get the gun sent to your dealer in Ohio. It's what you want, you have the cash and it's a good price. You could end up spending more for one that's not in as good shape.


New member
If it's in great shape 400 or so ain't too bad. I really like my buddies 30 carb blackhawk. Warning though, invest is some very good ear muffs and also wear plugs, even when hunting. Those things are loud beyond belief.


New member
Well, I never said it was a bargain or any kind of a steal, just that I felt that it was a price I was comfortable paying.

Also, though I've drooled over many things on Gunbroker, the only thing I've yet bought was a barrel for my T/C Contender which is not a firearm, so it was shipped directly to me. I haven't yet found an FFL (yes, I know Gunbroker has a search for these) and I couldn't simply buy the revolver yesterday in Michigan without having any kind of an FFL searched out, set up, or agreed to receive it, for whatever the cost.

I have a gun shop VERY close to me here at home, but I get the vibe that if I even brought up the subject, they'd be hellish peeved at me for shopping online or elsewhere. Can't say for sure, but it isn't an overly welcoming kind of place. I wish it felt like that, but it hasn't any time I've been in there over the last 10 years. The BIG gunstore local to me (also which I've bought guns from) is the kind of place that you can't even get near the counter on a Saturday because it's packed with people. I would bet money that they don't even bother accepting FFL shipments for customers from anywhere. They've got many metric tons of firearms there already.

If it were a scarce revolver that I had very little hope of finding somewhere, I might go to greater lengths for this specific one. But it's not, so I imagine I'll find mine eventually. The whole "have someone else purchase" is something that a number of family members even offered, but there's another hassle. In Michigan, you need a permit to purchase... and as soon as you get it, you have to take it to your local police authority and then they hold it for however many days, then they register it to YOU, the Michigan resident that bought it. Only after all that nonsense could I take delivery of it. And certainly, it would be breaking the letter of the law.

Actually, I own two handguns that are "registered" to me when I did live there, before I left. In Ohio, guns aren't registered, but of the number that I have, two S&W revolvers are in the system as registered to me when I was a resident.

Ralph Allen

New member
Basically your legal options are to have your local dealer contact the dealer in Ohio. Have your local dealer purchase the firearm from the Ohio dealer and then your local dealer sells it to you. This way your local dealer should be satisfied, or tell your local dealer what you want and have them look for one. Most of the options mentioned above constitute a "straw purchase" and is a big no, no!


New member
Just ask your local dealer how much to get you one. There are still some avaliable from distributers. I just ordered one about a month ago, so there should be some still out there.


New member
Ralph, I know that it's illegal and I won't have any part of that either. But appreciate the warning.

BigDog-- still available-- like, new?! A .30 Carbine BlackHawk?

I thought they'd been discontinued years ago! I suppose I should do some asking, rather than just some looking! ;)


New member

Sevens: Sir; they are discontinued and yes new ones are floating about.

One of the reasons that I cruise different forums; seeing what others have found and pricing ranges from around the country. I don't buy to sell or trade, I find something and from the ?you's? going in I have a ?feel? for prices. No surprises.
And Thanks to all of YOU I stay BROKE:D